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Monday 15 July 2019

What Does Happiness Have to Do With Living a Rich, Fulfilled Life?

I love asking people challenging questions. Questions that make them stop and think - and reconsider. Possibly even stop and change direction. The following question is one of my all-time favorites because it helps to lead people to discover their life purpose. (That reason for which they were put on this earth!)
If you could spend your days doing what you love whether or not you received monetary compensation, what would you do?
This something that comes to your mind as you answer that question is something you can spend time doing for hours and never grow weary. On the contrary, it creates energy! This something makes you feel alive, valuable, and excited. If you know what that is, you are very close to discovering your life purpose.
Think back in your life to those times that were the happiest for you. The times when you experienced the sensation of being complete or fulfilled. What were you doing?
Think back also to those times when you were the most miserable. What do you dislike doing? Take a moment to figure out why you disliked it.
Answering such questions takes you on a journey to learn who you are and what you do best.
In my years of serving as a financial advisor, I have talked to thousands of people. It never fails to amaze me that the happiest people are the ones who have found, and are living out, their life purpose. They literally exude a sense of satisfaction, peace of mind and a state of well-being.
Are you happy with your life as it is now? If not, find out why not. Life is way too short to spend your day in misery and discontent.
Below is a short exercise that I use with those who attend my seminars. This will help you as your seek for clues to your own personal life purpose.
· List five things you are passionate about.
· List your five top values.
· List five (approximately - this may be more or less) skills and talents that you feel are innately yours. That you were born with.
· List the times in your life when you were the happiest and experienced the highest level of fulfillment.
Happiness is not some pie-in-the-sky elusive pipe dream. Happiness is very attainable. And it is one of the core components of living a rich and fulfilled life.

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