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Thursday 18 July 2019

Living a Fulfilled Life

Fulfillment is to gain happiness and satisfaction by fully achieving one's potential. It is living a life with a feeling of complete fulfillment and I believe that everyone wants that. Living that kind of life simply means one has to discover what their potential is and go after that, so invariably, doing something outside your potential cannot give you fulfillment, though it can give you money.
This article is not about discovering one's potential so I will not go deep in it, but it is very important that you find out that one thing you can do for a long time, without complaining, getting bored or being tired of it. Doing something outside what your talent is, like I said earlier may give you money, but not really satisfaction and lack of satisfaction makes you frustrated in life. That is why the key to happiness is satisfaction and not just money. So many have taking up a vocation just because of the financial benefits and within some few years, they simply run out of steam because of lack of passion.
Operating in your area of best interest and ability will definitely give you fulfillment, but much more than that, in addition to it, the one sure way to live a fully satisfied life is sowing into the life of others. My favorite life guide is that since I have one life to live, then I had rather live it with other lives speaking my name!. That is simply being fulfilled, giving people a reason to live.
It is natural that human beings are selfish. It is not also bad to want to live for yourself. You should, because for you to give love, you have to love yourself first. But that should not take over the place of charity or helping people around you that needs it. Leave a mark in the life of everyone that you meet, a positive mark I mean. Make them have a reason to smile and live again just because you came in contact with them. That is having lives speaking your name and there is no better fulfillment than that.
In the place of extreme selfishness should be touching of lives, love for others and a life of giving to the ones around us. It may be your money, time, idea or even a smile!, as long as someone's life lit up because of you. No completely selfish live thrives, love yourself, then love others and make their lives speak your name at all times.

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