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Saturday 20 July 2019

How Can I Contribute to the World? Tips for a Fulfilling Life

There are five easy steps you can follow to truly have a fulfilling life. A fulfilling life is not defined by what we gain, instead it is defined by what we contribute to the world. Every day we have a choice between focusing on ourselves and what it is we want for our own selfish reasons or we can focus on how we can contribute to the world to make it a better place.
In order to truly contribute effectively we must first find our passion. Once we know our passion we can find the hurt in the world that we can then use our experiences to help heal. It is important to remember that when we are contributing it is not our job to expect anything in return, just know the universe will take care of you in the long run. Once you have completed this process keep repeating, contributing by effecting as many people as possible.
Know your Passion
One of the central tenets to having both a fulfilling life and to contribute to the world is to come to a clear understanding of what you are most passionate about. We all have the ability to be able to help others and contribute in many different ways. The secret truth that most people do not understand is that we can contribute more and help an increased number of people by following our passion.
When we are following our passion, the thing we were created to do on this planet, we can do more good overall. We are more powerful and effective when we are acting in alignment with our purpose. So take the time to really reflect on what it is you love. Don't worry about if it is accepted by the people around you. Often our truest and most powerful passion flies in the face of what those around us would deem "correct". Just know your passion and live into it every single day.
Find a Hurt in the World
The next step to being able to have a fulfilling life by contributing to others is to identify a hurt in the world you can help. To often people find their passion and then they choose to try to apply that passion in a half hazard manner that was not well thought out. This can help others but it is not contributing to the maximum amount you are capable.
You need to search out a hurt that is in alignment with your passion. When the hurt you are addressing and the your passion are in alignment the one helps to enhance the ability to help the other. Finding this relationship can take some time, but once you have found the right hurt in the world that is in alignment with your passion everything else comes easily.
Use your experience to help heal that hurt
Now that you have a passion and have identified a hurt in the world that is in alignment with your passion, you can bring the two together and start to heal that hurt. But this cannot be done by passion alone. You may have your passion identified and have the hurt identified but it does not mean you have the credibility to truly help heal that hurt. This credibility only comes with experience.
Luckily if you have truly found the right passion for you, then your life experience will have filled you with the knowledge you need to most benefit this hurt. Even when we were not conscious of it, our passion was helping guide us and lead us in the right direction.
This experience, even if it was occurring subconsciously, gives us the wisdom and the credibility to be able to address and help heal that hurt effectively. Honor this and honor your journey, it has made you who you are and it has enabled you to have the wisdom and experience you need to make a difference and help heal that hurt.
Don't ask for anything in return
Now the biggest roadblock to being able to truly help as many people as possible, you have to go in not expecting anything in return and instead give unselfishly and without a desire for anything in return. You need to have the right mindset, you need to have the mental approach of giving to others for no reason other than it is the right thing to do. When you think this way the contribution and the fulfilling life will come naturally.
This does not mean you should reject gifts and gratitude given to you for your efforts and your contributions, it only means that if you choose your actions based on the hope for or expectation of getting something in return you will not be successful. Some people will give you thanks, others will pay you or give you gifts, and some will not acknowledge your efforts at all. When you go in expecting something in return this last group of people will cause you disappointment and can cause you to want to stop giving. When you don't go in with any expectations of any kind of recognition, the first two types of people are a pleasant and welcome surprise. Don't set yourself up for bitterness and resentment, open yourself up to pleasant surprises.
Repeat and be thankful
This final step is the easiest and most rewarding. Simply repeat the process you have just completed. You know how to contribute once in the most effective way, and it will have felt fulfilling. Now do it over and over and over and enjoy the feeling of living a fulfilling life. It really is that simpler.

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