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Sunday 14 July 2019

Just recently, my daughter has been successful with online marketing, seemingly overnight, which has been a real inspiration to me to write more about how to unlock your power.
When listening to Tony Robbins' explanation of how to unlock your power by modeling the success of others, it reminded me how she began... and yes, she "modeled" (or copied), successful people in the industry.
Her success began when she listened to Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret", which is where her belief level started to change. If you look at successful people, you find that they all tend to have similar beliefs...
Funny how Tony's first step of how to model success has to do with adopting the same belief system of your successful mentor...
If you notice, successful people in all walks of life tend to have adopted this similar belief system.
Did you ever wonder why some people find it so easy to achieve success, yet others work hard their whole life and wind up with nothing to show for it? Well, contrary to popular belief, it's really not just "bad luck" if you think you've been dealt a losing hand. If you notice, people who have found success in their lives tend to have a totally different perspective on life.
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, either way, you're right"... Henry Ford.
As you know, Henry Ford went on to become for the first manufacturer of the automobile... always staying focused on his outcome, KNOWING beyond a shadow of a doubt that he would be building a running automobile.
Colonel Sanders was another shining example. I love this one because he's an example of what you can do when you start out late in life. At the age of 65 and after receiving his first social security check of under $100, he was determined to start that business (you might have heard of it, LOL) - "Kentucky Fried Chicken"!
He turned down 998 offers to give his recipe away for free in exchange for commissions on chicken dinners - 998 "no" replies he had to hear - 998 hard core rejections - before he found a small opportunity to start a successful business.
My daughter, Angela, had this type of determination as well. And it all came from having a VERY CLEAR IMAGE of exactly what she wanted, with a belief system that matched that of successful online marketers.
And Tony's second step for how to model success?
Model the syntax of your mentor. As Wallace Wattles said in "The Science of Getting Rich", people who become rich do so not because of where they live or who they work for, and not because of who brought them up - they become rich because they have attained the habit of "doing things in a certain way".
When you adopt the "syntax" of a successful person's "way of doing things", you find yourself doing things in the same way that they do it. For example, Angela learned very early on that successful online marketers don't just blog "blindly" and "hope" for the best. They find a way through powerful syndication methods of making their blogs popular first - then the market to their list by sending these already popular blog posts with comments to their list to create more buzz.
Angela didn't have anyone around her giving her inspiration. Her boyfriend thought she was involved in a scam that would never make any money. But, just like Henry Ford, Colonel Sanders and others who managed to not listen to naysayers, she stayed focused on her dream and continued following the syntax of successful marketers.
And Tony's number 3 step on how to model success...
Model the physiology of your successful mentor. What do I mean by that?
Physiology pertains to actions of the body in response to feelings. You might find that successful people tend to carry themselves to where they appear to be happier - laughing more often - and always seeing the glass as "half full". Think about the successful people you know. Do you know any depressed successful people? Exactly!
Also, it stands to reason that when you hang around successful people, that success tends to "rub off".
This is what Angela did, and this is what you can do, too. She took breaks from her negative environment and went to events and training retreats to fill her with spiritual energy and surround her with successful people.
The good news is that it's never too late to work on you... (Remember Colonel Sanders?) Personal development is a journey, and you get to witness yourself evolving into a better person as you go along.
The thing to remember here is that it's not about comparing yourself to anyone else. Learning how to model success means allowing yourself to evolve into the same kind of person as that of your successful mentor (only with your original personality).
Evolution takes time, and if you're always looking in the rear view mirror comparing yourself with someone who's more successful, that will drive you into a spiral downturn headed for disaster!
So then, how exactly can you hang around successful people when all your friends are depressed negative thinkers?
Fortunately, it also helps to dive into personal development books and audios. Listening to that kind of stuff every day on your way to work could in itself be your first successful step in learning how to model success.
When you make it a habit to listen in your downtime, you find yourself starting to talk like the successful people talk, and even think like they think! This technique will "reprogram your brain" to be happier, have more influence and make more money with this powerful technique.
This technique will "reprogram your brain" to be happier, have more influence and make more money with this powerful technique. You will probably also want to hear Angela's personal story of how she was able to attain her first $25,000 week - just follow the links in this blog post [] for more information. Or, just CLICK HERE [] to get started today with the system that she's using and start learning from her and others on our team of exactly how to tap into your inner power with online marketing.

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