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Sunday 21 July 2019

The 10 keys to happier living

Four Point Agenda For A More Fulfilling Life

Life is a beautiful gift of God. It is quite possible to live an ideal life in line with your dreams and desires. You can make your life more meaningful, more enjoyable, more fulfilling and more worthy of living by working on the following four points. These points cover all aspects of a person's life.
1. Education
The most valuable thing which a person can possess is education. Nothing big can be achieved in life without education. A well educated person can live an overall better life and is a blessing to the society. When I talk about education, I do not necessarily mean the formal education limited to getting a college or university degree. I want people to get formal or informal education to widen their mental horizon so that they can see beyond limitations. Learning is a life-long process. You must keep on enriching your life by seeking knowledge and learning multiple skills. The more you learn the more successful you will be in your future life.
2. Money
Money is all, most people go far. To them money is everything. They use all type of tactics, fair or unfair, to get money. Are these people successful or happy in life? No. They end up in misery and put themselves in trouble.
Your education, knowledge, skills, morals and good manners help you to get a good job or start a profitable business. Besides earning money to live a comfortable life, you also need to learn how to wisely invest your money so that your money keeps on growing and multiplying. You also need to control your expenditure so that you keep on investing your spare money in profitable businesses. It is also important to keep a balance between earning and spending otherwise you will put yourself in financial trouble.
3. Health
The third important aspect of your life is YOU, your own health and physical fitness. If you are healthy and physically fit then you can do multiple tasks and increase your income substantially. If you are not in good health then you can do nothing not even enjoy your life. Take care of your health at all costs. Keep yourself away from all types of stress, depression or negativity. Do exercise regularly and eat a balanced food. Never skip the morning breakfast.
4. Family
Family life is, no doubt, the most important aspect of a person's life. A supporting and loving family is a blessing. Spend some quality time with your spouse. Your children also need your company. Some people are so much involved in their professional activities that they completely ignore their family, which is their biggest mistake. Never give preference to your job over your family life. Your family deserves your full attention, affection and love.
Treat the above four points (Education, Money, Health and Family), as the four pillars on which the beautiful building of your life stands. Every pillar of this building is important. If one or two pillars are weak or damaged then there is a continuous danger of collapsing of the whole building some day. Take care of all the four pillars of this building which are inter-connected and inter-related with your happiness and a more fulfilling life.

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Saturday 20 July 2019

How to start living your happiest, most fulfilling life

How Can I Contribute to the World? Tips for a Fulfilling Life

There are five easy steps you can follow to truly have a fulfilling life. A fulfilling life is not defined by what we gain, instead it is defined by what we contribute to the world. Every day we have a choice between focusing on ourselves and what it is we want for our own selfish reasons or we can focus on how we can contribute to the world to make it a better place.
In order to truly contribute effectively we must first find our passion. Once we know our passion we can find the hurt in the world that we can then use our experiences to help heal. It is important to remember that when we are contributing it is not our job to expect anything in return, just know the universe will take care of you in the long run. Once you have completed this process keep repeating, contributing by effecting as many people as possible.
Know your Passion
One of the central tenets to having both a fulfilling life and to contribute to the world is to come to a clear understanding of what you are most passionate about. We all have the ability to be able to help others and contribute in many different ways. The secret truth that most people do not understand is that we can contribute more and help an increased number of people by following our passion.
When we are following our passion, the thing we were created to do on this planet, we can do more good overall. We are more powerful and effective when we are acting in alignment with our purpose. So take the time to really reflect on what it is you love. Don't worry about if it is accepted by the people around you. Often our truest and most powerful passion flies in the face of what those around us would deem "correct". Just know your passion and live into it every single day.
Find a Hurt in the World
The next step to being able to have a fulfilling life by contributing to others is to identify a hurt in the world you can help. To often people find their passion and then they choose to try to apply that passion in a half hazard manner that was not well thought out. This can help others but it is not contributing to the maximum amount you are capable.
You need to search out a hurt that is in alignment with your passion. When the hurt you are addressing and the your passion are in alignment the one helps to enhance the ability to help the other. Finding this relationship can take some time, but once you have found the right hurt in the world that is in alignment with your passion everything else comes easily.
Use your experience to help heal that hurt
Now that you have a passion and have identified a hurt in the world that is in alignment with your passion, you can bring the two together and start to heal that hurt. But this cannot be done by passion alone. You may have your passion identified and have the hurt identified but it does not mean you have the credibility to truly help heal that hurt. This credibility only comes with experience.
Luckily if you have truly found the right passion for you, then your life experience will have filled you with the knowledge you need to most benefit this hurt. Even when we were not conscious of it, our passion was helping guide us and lead us in the right direction.
This experience, even if it was occurring subconsciously, gives us the wisdom and the credibility to be able to address and help heal that hurt effectively. Honor this and honor your journey, it has made you who you are and it has enabled you to have the wisdom and experience you need to make a difference and help heal that hurt.
Don't ask for anything in return
Now the biggest roadblock to being able to truly help as many people as possible, you have to go in not expecting anything in return and instead give unselfishly and without a desire for anything in return. You need to have the right mindset, you need to have the mental approach of giving to others for no reason other than it is the right thing to do. When you think this way the contribution and the fulfilling life will come naturally.
This does not mean you should reject gifts and gratitude given to you for your efforts and your contributions, it only means that if you choose your actions based on the hope for or expectation of getting something in return you will not be successful. Some people will give you thanks, others will pay you or give you gifts, and some will not acknowledge your efforts at all. When you go in expecting something in return this last group of people will cause you disappointment and can cause you to want to stop giving. When you don't go in with any expectations of any kind of recognition, the first two types of people are a pleasant and welcome surprise. Don't set yourself up for bitterness and resentment, open yourself up to pleasant surprises.
Repeat and be thankful
This final step is the easiest and most rewarding. Simply repeat the process you have just completed. You know how to contribute once in the most effective way, and it will have felt fulfilling. Now do it over and over and over and enjoy the feeling of living a fulfilling life. It really is that simpler.

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Friday 19 July 2019

8 tips to living your best, happiest, most fulfilling life

The Power of Faith - How to Lead a More Fulfilling Life

"Faith is a quality endowed with a most potent creative power", said Helen P. Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy.
You can read the eleventh chapter of the Letter to the Hebrews to see what faith can do: it can show us the origin of this world we live in, it can put us on a harmonious relationship with God, it made Enoch escape death, man's most dreadful enemy, it saved Noah and a remnant of humanity from complete extinction, it gave Abraham a child through a barren woman, from whom innumerable descendants sprang, it saved Joseph and his brothers and their families from famine, it enabled Moses to form a new nation from the descendants of 12 brothers, it gave the Israelites courage to successfully invade Canaan, the land promised to them, it raised the dead to life, etc.
Faith is indeed powerful. It was by faith that we came into this world. Our parents believed that by their sexual union we would be born and they were right. We too produce our children by faith.
Faith is most necessary in leading a more fulfilling life. How is this done, how does the power of faith help us to lead a more fulfilling life?
Everyone Has Faith
There is no human being who has no faith. Atheists and agnostics are not exempted from this statement. They too have faith.
Faith is simply sure and certain knowledge of realities that are not visible to our physical eyes and reason, like knowledge of our worth, our talents, and our capacities. And everybody has this knowledge. The little child did not see itself coming out from the womb of its mother but it has faith that this or that woman is its mother. The atheist has faith that his ideas are correct though nobody can see these ideas in his head. So also with the agnostics, they too have faith in their learning.
I remember a famous correspondence between Fr. John Catoir and avowed agnostic Carl Sagan which lasted for more than 2 years. In this exchange of letters Fr. Catoir was insisting that Carl had no faith. In his explanation Fr. Catoir said that this man was unable to make the leap of faith. This is not true. Carl had faith. He had faith that the letter he wrote would reach Fr. Catoir, even if he did not see the priest opening his letter. Perhaps it is more true to say that Carl had no faith in the God portrayed by the priest, because the image of this God was foreign to the expectations of Carl of what God should be. But he had certainly faith in his own kind of God. Maybe his God was Science.
Faith Is Powerful
Faith enables us to live normal lives. By faith we know that tomorrow there is another day, although we never see the turning of the earth on its axis. It is by faith that we recognize our parents, our older brothers and sisters, our nationality, our community. It is by faith that we go to school believing that there we will learn reading, writing, arithmetic and the complexities of these three basic skills. It is by faith that we choose our work, our partner in life, our residences, our travels, our recreations.
Faith Leads Us to Lead a More Fulfilling Life
By a more fulfilling life is meant a life that is free of disturbing stress, that is more and more productive, in harmony with family members, relatives, and others. It is a life that enriches others and you know that this is so. It is one that feels and displays compassion for others, a source of encouragement for others, provides meaning to one's life and the lives of others, encouraging them to go on with life.
A more fulfilling life is one where a healthy ego or self-image is being developed, balanced in diet and exercise with self-discipline and self-control, productive, a life that makes you inventive and creative, bringing joy to others, and taking more and more control of your life.
A more fulfilling life is one where failures are looked upon not as a reflection of our incapacity but as reflection of our creativity to know the right way of doing things, as experiences for learning and growth.
It is a life of humility in success because you know by faith that it is not you who has accomplished the success but the Spirit in you.
Such is a more fulfilling life. And it is the power of faith that leads us to this kind of life.
It is faith in a Being who is the origin of all that we see, one who loves us so much as to bring us to this existence or series of life, one who sustains us everyday with all the things around us. It is basically this faith which leads us to a more fulfilling life because by this we know where we came from, we know where we are going to and we know the way how to get there. Believe in this Being and you will lead a more fulfilling life.
Maybe an example of such a more fulfilling life produced by the power of faith will bring home my point.
The example I refer to is George Washington Carver (1864-1943) who was born a slave and later exchanged for a racehorse as an infant. He met many difficulties in life, even getting out of slavery, going into school, teaching and doing research. But he enriched our lives by providing crops as alternative to the production of cotton which depleted the soil, inventing 145 products made from the lowly peanuts, and more than a 100 more from sweet potato, uplifting the Negro race. He achieved fame and was given many awards even many years after his death.
At the end of it all Carver said that God guided his research. He was criticized for making this statement. But it was his faith in himself and God which make his life more fulfilling both for himself and others. He said on many occasions that his faith in Jesus was the only way by which he could effectively do his research in science.
I want to end this article by quoting a passage written by an anonymous author which encapsulates what I have written here: "Believe in yourself and in your plan, Say not - I cannot - I can, The prizes of life we fail to win, Because we doubt the power within...". Never doubt the power within. It is that which leads you to a more fulfilling life.

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Thursday 18 July 2019

Happiness vs Fulfillment

Living a Fulfilled Life

Fulfillment is to gain happiness and satisfaction by fully achieving one's potential. It is living a life with a feeling of complete fulfillment and I believe that everyone wants that. Living that kind of life simply means one has to discover what their potential is and go after that, so invariably, doing something outside your potential cannot give you fulfillment, though it can give you money.
This article is not about discovering one's potential so I will not go deep in it, but it is very important that you find out that one thing you can do for a long time, without complaining, getting bored or being tired of it. Doing something outside what your talent is, like I said earlier may give you money, but not really satisfaction and lack of satisfaction makes you frustrated in life. That is why the key to happiness is satisfaction and not just money. So many have taking up a vocation just because of the financial benefits and within some few years, they simply run out of steam because of lack of passion.
Operating in your area of best interest and ability will definitely give you fulfillment, but much more than that, in addition to it, the one sure way to live a fully satisfied life is sowing into the life of others. My favorite life guide is that since I have one life to live, then I had rather live it with other lives speaking my name!. That is simply being fulfilled, giving people a reason to live.
It is natural that human beings are selfish. It is not also bad to want to live for yourself. You should, because for you to give love, you have to love yourself first. But that should not take over the place of charity or helping people around you that needs it. Leave a mark in the life of everyone that you meet, a positive mark I mean. Make them have a reason to smile and live again just because you came in contact with them. That is having lives speaking your name and there is no better fulfillment than that.
In the place of extreme selfishness should be touching of lives, love for others and a life of giving to the ones around us. It may be your money, time, idea or even a smile!, as long as someone's life lit up because of you. No completely selfish live thrives, love yourself, then love others and make their lives speak your name at all times.

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Wednesday 17 July 2019

What makes a good life?

Create the Miracle of Purpose in Life by Living a Fulfilling Life

If you're not living a fulfilling life don't be too concerned with how you can learn a lesson so completely different from everything that you taught yourself. How would you know? Your part in living a fulfilling life is very simple.
For life fulfillment you only need to recognize that everything you learned was by teaching yourself what you really do not want.
Miracles bring us purpose in life.
Simply ask the Holy Spirit to teach you about living a fulfilling life, but do not use your experiences to confirm the false. This will only agitate you, keep you in the past, and keep peace away.
Miracles begin when for you when you realize that, The first obstacle that peace must flow across is your desire to get rid of it. For it cannot extend unless you keep it.
When you are having unpeaceful times or feel that you're not living a fulfilling life or are disturbed in any manner, say to yourself:
  • I don't know what any of this means and I don't know how to respond.
  • I surely will not use my own past learning to guide me now.
By your refusal to attempt teaching yourself what you do not know about life fulfillment, the Holy Spirit-your real inner Self and Guide for life, will step in and speak for you.
This is the miracle happening, and you cannot be your own guide to miracles, because it is you that made them necessary.
Because you made the false, the means for undoing is the miracle being provided for you. The Holy Spirit will always be there through God whenever you need to turn to Him ever so little in living a fulfilling life and purpose in life.
It is impossible that He could ever get lost or lose His identity, because if He did, you would lose yours.
The miracle acknowledges His changelessness of the way He sees you as you always were. The miracle does not change you in order to fill an important slot, or to keep up with current trends.
It brings you back to who you truly were, and still are, before you started teaching and changing yourself. The miracle gives you purpose in life and life fulfillment.
The miracle brings on the effects that the cause of guiltlessness started. In other words, your cause is being guilt free about who and what you are. The effects then will blossom.
After years of progressive hearing loss, by the age of forty-six the German composer and pianist Ludwig von Beethoven had become completely deaf. Nevertheless he wrote his greatest music, living a fulfilling life including five symphonies, during his later years.
Was the miracle in Beethoven's abilities to play the piano, as well as compose and living a fulfilling life? No, the miracle was within his acceptance life fulfillment through the God-given talents he had, and that he recognized them to begin with.
The miracle also continued in the fact that Beethoven lived his life pursuing and fulfilling the Will of God, which somehow Beethoven determined was also his own purpose in life and true free will.
When he realized his hearing was gone, he could have easily perceived in himself that composing music was not his purpose and pursued something else.
Instead, he went with his true gut feelings, regardless of his physical impairments and began living a fulfilling life. Had he not, his life may have been filled with guilt and regret and lacking life fulfillment.
But the pure inner joy he did experience caused, in turn, more pure joy and peace to countless music lovers for all time to come.
Consider this with all your heart: "The Holy Spirit has freed you from the past and now He teaches you to accept His accomplishments as yours, and has made you free from what your ego made.
All of His works are yours. He offers you a miracle with every undoing of your self-taught ways."
To living a fulfilling life

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Tuesday 16 July 2019

7 principals to live by for a successful, happy life

Seven Tips for Greater Integrity and a More Fulfilling Life

Integrity has its roots in the Latin word integer which means whole or complete. People with integrity tend to be whole and in harmony with themselves and nature. They are honest and trustworthy; they live by their principles and have strong ethical and moral character. They say and do what they mean and practice what they profess; they follow the beliefs and principles they claim to uphold. Integrity deals with actions, values, expectations and outcomes.
Not everyone can be called a person of integrity. People lie, cheat, steal for various reasons. They fear looking bad in the eyes of others. They fear consequences of standing by what they say. They are afraid of failure or rejection and so take a short term escape in the form of deceit.
Lack of integrity has many serious consequences like emotional and relationship damage. People do not trust people who show lack of integrity in their behavior, and they are less likely to rise in careers and business. They are remembered long after they have left for their wrongdoings.
People who do not have a sense of integrity often appear hypocritical, justify dishonest dealings and have a low opinion of others. They are prone to impulsive actions and are generally intolerant of others mistakes.
Life coaches, business coaches and confidence coaches advise that we can be people of integrity if we want to. Here are seven tips to cultivate integrity in our way of life.
1. Think of helping others before helping yourself. This is a prime quality of a leader. People at the helm of affairs who fill their coffers while depriving others of their legitimate rights hardly deserve to be called leaders.
2. It is a good idea to have an authentic voice and not pretend to be someone you are not. You will only feel hollow and lose self esteem if you try to deceive others.
3. Being transparent earns great trust and respect. You feel secure and are not afraid of any consequences as you have nothing to hide.
4. You can cultivate the habit of standing by your convictions. While you can be open to others' positive suggestions, you may not sway from your principled stand or be unduly influenced by others.
5. You can seek fulfillment by making your life an example and inspiration for others to follow.
6. Persons of integrity are low on ego and are not arrogant in their behaviour. They give to society with a sense of humility. Respect fellow human beings, and you will be respected and recognised for who you are in return.
7. No matter how noble your objectives are, foul means to achieve them will rarely bring you happiness as you would have lost the very reason for undertaking the work.
It is possible to inculcate integrity into our character and make our lives and careers successful if we follow these tips. This would enable us to live a more fulfilling life and leave behind a legacy for others to follow.

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Monday 15 July 2019

How to live a more fulfilling and happy life

What Does Happiness Have to Do With Living a Rich, Fulfilled Life?

I love asking people challenging questions. Questions that make them stop and think - and reconsider. Possibly even stop and change direction. The following question is one of my all-time favorites because it helps to lead people to discover their life purpose. (That reason for which they were put on this earth!)
If you could spend your days doing what you love whether or not you received monetary compensation, what would you do?
This something that comes to your mind as you answer that question is something you can spend time doing for hours and never grow weary. On the contrary, it creates energy! This something makes you feel alive, valuable, and excited. If you know what that is, you are very close to discovering your life purpose.
Think back in your life to those times that were the happiest for you. The times when you experienced the sensation of being complete or fulfilled. What were you doing?
Think back also to those times when you were the most miserable. What do you dislike doing? Take a moment to figure out why you disliked it.
Answering such questions takes you on a journey to learn who you are and what you do best.
In my years of serving as a financial advisor, I have talked to thousands of people. It never fails to amaze me that the happiest people are the ones who have found, and are living out, their life purpose. They literally exude a sense of satisfaction, peace of mind and a state of well-being.
Are you happy with your life as it is now? If not, find out why not. Life is way too short to spend your day in misery and discontent.
Below is a short exercise that I use with those who attend my seminars. This will help you as your seek for clues to your own personal life purpose.
· List five things you are passionate about.
· List your five top values.
· List five (approximately - this may be more or less) skills and talents that you feel are innately yours. That you were born with.
· List the times in your life when you were the happiest and experienced the highest level of fulfillment.
Happiness is not some pie-in-the-sky elusive pipe dream. Happiness is very attainable. And it is one of the core components of living a rich and fulfilled life.

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Sunday 14 July 2019

5 Habits to give up if you want to be successful

Just recently, my daughter has been successful with online marketing, seemingly overnight, which has been a real inspiration to me to write more about how to unlock your power.
When listening to Tony Robbins' explanation of how to unlock your power by modeling the success of others, it reminded me how she began... and yes, she "modeled" (or copied), successful people in the industry.
Her success began when she listened to Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret", which is where her belief level started to change. If you look at successful people, you find that they all tend to have similar beliefs...
Funny how Tony's first step of how to model success has to do with adopting the same belief system of your successful mentor...
If you notice, successful people in all walks of life tend to have adopted this similar belief system.
Did you ever wonder why some people find it so easy to achieve success, yet others work hard their whole life and wind up with nothing to show for it? Well, contrary to popular belief, it's really not just "bad luck" if you think you've been dealt a losing hand. If you notice, people who have found success in their lives tend to have a totally different perspective on life.
"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, either way, you're right"... Henry Ford.
As you know, Henry Ford went on to become for the first manufacturer of the automobile... always staying focused on his outcome, KNOWING beyond a shadow of a doubt that he would be building a running automobile.
Colonel Sanders was another shining example. I love this one because he's an example of what you can do when you start out late in life. At the age of 65 and after receiving his first social security check of under $100, he was determined to start that business (you might have heard of it, LOL) - "Kentucky Fried Chicken"!
He turned down 998 offers to give his recipe away for free in exchange for commissions on chicken dinners - 998 "no" replies he had to hear - 998 hard core rejections - before he found a small opportunity to start a successful business.
My daughter, Angela, had this type of determination as well. And it all came from having a VERY CLEAR IMAGE of exactly what she wanted, with a belief system that matched that of successful online marketers.
And Tony's second step for how to model success?
Model the syntax of your mentor. As Wallace Wattles said in "The Science of Getting Rich", people who become rich do so not because of where they live or who they work for, and not because of who brought them up - they become rich because they have attained the habit of "doing things in a certain way".
When you adopt the "syntax" of a successful person's "way of doing things", you find yourself doing things in the same way that they do it. For example, Angela learned very early on that successful online marketers don't just blog "blindly" and "hope" for the best. They find a way through powerful syndication methods of making their blogs popular first - then the market to their list by sending these already popular blog posts with comments to their list to create more buzz.
Angela didn't have anyone around her giving her inspiration. Her boyfriend thought she was involved in a scam that would never make any money. But, just like Henry Ford, Colonel Sanders and others who managed to not listen to naysayers, she stayed focused on her dream and continued following the syntax of successful marketers.
And Tony's number 3 step on how to model success...
Model the physiology of your successful mentor. What do I mean by that?
Physiology pertains to actions of the body in response to feelings. You might find that successful people tend to carry themselves to where they appear to be happier - laughing more often - and always seeing the glass as "half full". Think about the successful people you know. Do you know any depressed successful people? Exactly!
Also, it stands to reason that when you hang around successful people, that success tends to "rub off".
This is what Angela did, and this is what you can do, too. She took breaks from her negative environment and went to events and training retreats to fill her with spiritual energy and surround her with successful people.
The good news is that it's never too late to work on you... (Remember Colonel Sanders?) Personal development is a journey, and you get to witness yourself evolving into a better person as you go along.
The thing to remember here is that it's not about comparing yourself to anyone else. Learning how to model success means allowing yourself to evolve into the same kind of person as that of your successful mentor (only with your original personality).
Evolution takes time, and if you're always looking in the rear view mirror comparing yourself with someone who's more successful, that will drive you into a spiral downturn headed for disaster!
So then, how exactly can you hang around successful people when all your friends are depressed negative thinkers?
Fortunately, it also helps to dive into personal development books and audios. Listening to that kind of stuff every day on your way to work could in itself be your first successful step in learning how to model success.
When you make it a habit to listen in your downtime, you find yourself starting to talk like the successful people talk, and even think like they think! This technique will "reprogram your brain" to be happier, have more influence and make more money with this powerful technique.
This technique will "reprogram your brain" to be happier, have more influence and make more money with this powerful technique. You will probably also want to hear Angela's personal story of how she was able to attain her first $25,000 week - just follow the links in this blog post [] for more information. Or, just CLICK HERE [] to get started today with the system that she's using and start learning from her and others on our team of exactly how to tap into your inner power with online marketing.

Saturday 13 July 2019

How To Be Successful - success in Life

How To Be Successful In Life - The Underlying Principles of Success

Everyone wants to achieve the highest level of success. However, reaching that desirable level of success is not as easy as most of us perceive. To be successful, you have to sacrifice and forego majority of life's pleasures. Below is a list of seven guaranteed ways to be successful in life.
1. Do what you love
Unfortunately, most of us end up settling for jobs or careers that do not offer maximum satisfaction. Put simply, it is important to understand your passion and pursue it with all your energy and resources. The greatest regret held by a majority of the elderly is settling for what they did not love. To avoid having regrets on most of your early life decisions, be sure to pursue your passion. Doing what you love will ensure you remain passionate and highly motivated in your day to day activities regardless of the income. Be sure to discover your true purpose and work hard to achieve your goals.
2. Identify with a successful individual
As you look to achieve your dreams and initially set goals, ensure you remember that success has no secret recipe. It is advisable to identify with a successful person in your field of interest, and do whatever your mentor does to achieve his or her level of success. Once you have a role model or a mentor you associate with, it becomes easier to emulate the positive traits while learning from your mentor`s mistakes. Pick up the positive habits and ensure you avoid the mistakes made by your role model. By emulating a successful person, you increase your chances of succeeding exponentially.
3. Anticipate failure of disappointment
Good things never come easy, and if they do, then they probably won't last. Do not anticipate a smooth sailing in your journey to success. Instead, be ready to pick yourself up whenever you experience failure or disappointment. After all, successful people are characterized by their ability to remain hopeful even in their greatest disappointments. Therefore, regardless of how many times you fail, ensure you remain optimistic and confident in your ability to succeed.
4. Practice makes perfect
No one can succeed without commitment and adequate practice. To achieve the highest level of success in your respective field, it is necessary to take your time to practice until your skills become flawless. Contrary to popular belief, success is attained by maintaining a high level of consistency. Thus, to enjoy success, you must be willing to put time into strengthening your skills through constant practice.
5. Plan
Unfortunately, most of us assume that success happens overnight. However, success more often than not occurs as a result of adequate planning and organization. To achieve your set goals and targets, it is crucial to have a plan that will act as a guide. Successful people know what to do and when to do things; they just don't go about doing everything simultaneously. As a result, be sure to take your time and adequately plan for all your milestones. Set a schedule and observe it to the latter. Once you have a plan in place, it will be possible to measure your progress and consequently ensure that everything goes according to plan.
6. Be true to yourself
As you embark on your journey to success, it is necessary to understand that the biggest obstacle to success is yourself. Procrastination never helps; in fact, all it does is rob you off the time that you would otherwise utilize to achieve your goals. Therefore, ensure you are hard on yourself. That is, avoid procrastinating or letting yourself off the hook whenever you lack the motivation to do an important activity. Without self-discipline, it is impossible to achieve your set goals.
7. Enjoy the journey
Always keep in mind that everyone has an independent journey and purpose. Avoid comparing yourself to others as aimless comparisons can derail your development. Be patient and ensure you reward yourself every time you achieve your goals or initially set milestones. Indeed, it is only through self-love and appreciation that you can achieve the highest level of success. As such, give yourself treats and rewards that match your achievements. Remember, if you do not appreciate your achievements, no matter how small, then no one else will.

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Create the Miracle of Purpose in Life by Living a Fulfilling Life

If you're not living a fulfilling life don't be too concerned with how you can learn a lesson so completely different from everything that you taught yourself. How would you know? Your part in living a fulfilling life is very simple.
For life fulfillment you only need to recognize that everything you learned was by teaching yourself what you really do not want.
Miracles bring us purpose in life.
Simply ask the Holy Spirit to teach you about living a fulfilling life, but do not use your experiences to confirm the false. This will only agitate you, keep you in the past, and keep peace away.
Miracles begin when for you when you realize that, The first obstacle that peace must flow across is your desire to get rid of it. For it cannot extend unless you keep it.
When you are having unpeaceful times or feel that you're not living a fulfilling life or are disturbed in any manner, say to yourself:
  • I don't know what any of this means and I don't know how to respond.
  • I surely will not use my own past learning to guide me now.
By your refusal to attempt teaching yourself what you do not know about life fulfillment, the Holy Spirit-your real inner Self and Guide for life, will step in and speak for you.
This is the miracle happening, and you cannot be your own guide to miracles, because it is you that made them necessary.
Because you made the false, the means for undoing is the miracle being provided for you. The Holy Spirit will always be there through God whenever you need to turn to Him ever so little in living a fulfilling life and purpose in life.
It is impossible that He could ever get lost or lose His identity, because if He did, you would lose yours.
The miracle acknowledges His changelessness of the way He sees you as you always were. The miracle does not change you in order to fill an important slot, or to keep up with current trends.
It brings you back to who you truly were, and still are, before you started teaching and changing yourself. The miracle gives you purpose in life and life fulfillment.
The miracle brings on the effects that the cause of guiltlessness started. In other words, your cause is being guilt free about who and what you are. The effects then will blossom.
After years of progressive hearing loss, by the age of forty-six the German composer and pianist Ludwig von Beethoven had become completely deaf. Nevertheless he wrote his greatest music, living a fulfilling life including five symphonies, during his later years.
Was the miracle in Beethoven's abilities to play the piano, as well as compose and living a fulfilling life? No, the miracle was within his acceptance life fulfillment through the God-given talents he had, and that he recognized them to begin with.
The miracle also continued in the fact that Beethoven lived his life pursuing and fulfilling the Will of God, which somehow Beethoven determined was also his own purpose in life and true free will.
When he realized his hearing was gone, he could have easily perceived in himself that composing music was not his purpose and pursued something else.
Instead, he went with his true gut feelings, regardless of his physical impairments and began living a fulfilling life. Had he not, his life may have been filled with guilt and regret and lacking life fulfillment.
But the pure inner joy he did experience caused, in turn, more pure joy and peace to countless music lovers for all time to come.
Consider this with all your heart: "The Holy Spirit has freed you from the past and now He teaches you to accept His accomplishments as yours, and has made you free from what your ego made.
All of His works are yours. He offers you a miracle with every undoing of your self-taught ways."
To living a fulfilling life

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