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Saturday 28 September 2019

Learning From Your Mistakes - How to Become Successful

Learning from your mistakes is how to become successful. Life is about learning. Everything that happens to you teaches you something if you analyze it. Failing at a project is not failure unless you fail to learn from your mistakes and develop a negative attitude. It gives you another chance to get it right. Most people fail, but those who learn from it are often more successful than those who don't.
Failing can be an advantage because you usually learn more from it than winning. Those that win may not try harder the next time because they think they have it figured out. Failing causes one to examine all the weaknesses and bolster the strengths. It is your training ground. It should be looked at as a time of becoming better and stronger. It is how to become successful.
The main thing to be avoided is to start feeling sorry for yourself because you missed the mark. Becoming negative will eventually mean that you will give up and try something else. It is important that you stay positive and realize it is something most people experience.
Those with huge successes usually arrived at this position because they learned from previous failures.
What many do not realize is that you have to do something different to get out of the failing mode. It is insanity to keep doing the same thing and expect different results. If you keep on doing what you have been doing, you will keep on getting what you have been getting. Learning from your mistakes and correcting them is how to become successful.
The most important aspect for success in all areas of life is self-discipline. Children should be disciplined but many parents let them have their way. This is how. The Bible says that foolishness is bound in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction will drive it far from them (Proverbs 22:15).
If they are not corrected, they may never learn self-discipline as an adult.
If you do not discipline yourself in your marriage, you will have trouble with it. If you do not discipline yourself on the job, your employer will. If self-employed, your customers will discipline you if you don't, by quitting doing business with you. Everyone has foolishness in them, so we must all correct our self when necessary. It is how to be successful
We exercise self-discipline when we examine our attitude and actions and correct what is not right. This is another way of saying that learning from your mistakes is the way to become and continue to be successful.
Everyone makes mistakes and those who fail to correct them will suffer the consequences.
Those who correct them will be rewarded with happiness and success.
The best policy is to admit you have made a mistake and do your best to correct it. We sin when we fail to comply with the terms of the Bible. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans' 3:23). That is why Jesus died on the cross to forgive our sins. There are different doctrines in the many denominations, but all that matters is the blood of Christ. If you do what the New Testament says, you will be saved. "Climbing the Heavenly stairs" was written to help you understand the Bible. It is not a substitute for the Bible. It helps to understand it. You need it if you are unfamiliar with the sacred book.

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