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Thursday 26 September 2019

How to Become Successful - Why the 'Be Anything You Can Be' Mantra is All Wrong

How to become successful? It's a frequently asked question. And all too often the responses you get are, "Work hard," or "Set your sight on the goal and never lose focus". How many times have you heard that you can accomplish anything if you just put your mind to it?
It's the American way, isn't it? We're bombarded with stories of people who beat the odds, who fought against the grain and overcame their weaknesses to triumph and stand victorious. Work hard, never lose faith, get it done. While they have good intentions, this advice can actually lead some people astray. Embracing the 'you can be anything you want to be' creed can actually stifle your true potential and the quality of your life. Pretty strong statement, isn't it?
Let me explain.
Rather than being anything you want to be, why not focus on what you should be, what you're truly passionate about, who you are the core of your being. So many people get led down roads they believe they "want" when it's really what they think they ought to be doing, where the money is supposed to be, what their parents thought they should do, what they believe is the most sensible thing to do.
If they really looked inside themselves, they'd realize that it isn't what they want. It's what they've been taught to want, or conditioned to want. And if they have to struggle everyday to make it a reality, if they have to fight their natural tendencies or character traits to make it happen, they think that's all the better. After all, that's what they've been taught. They fought against the grain and won. What a great success story!
But it doesn't have to be that way.
When people are allowed to focus on their true strengths, who they are at the core of their being, they are 3 times more likely to report having an excellent quality of life. 3 times more likely! That's a staggering difference..and proven time and again to hold true.When you're on your truth path, life flows more effortlessly, events align, doors open, and even stumbling blocks appear minor - all because you're doing what you love. It's a huge difference.
So, how to become successful []?
Finding your true passion is a crucial part of the process. Without this element, you're bound to be unfulfilled with the quality of your life. To discover the other critical elements, visit []. You'll discover, for FREE, how to become successful, and create rapid change in your life.

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