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Monday 30 September 2019

After this you'll change how you do everything

How Leaders Become Successful Leaders

There are various views by many pundits that write about how leaders become successful; which are typically discussed in the area of personal development. The reason it is usually discussed in this arena is because it requires the assessment of one's personal character. The other arena leadership is often discussed at length is in the area of organizational development and management. Because, in that arena it typically refers to leaders such as: CEO's, Corporate President, College and University President's and anyone who are leaders in "Organizations." Many of the writers in these professions have their own certain opinions about how successful leaders or people become leaders. Therefore, I will provide examples of how successful leaders become successful based on everyday people who are successful and don't come out in the front pages of the New York Times or the Los Angeles Times.
I Witnessed leadership throughout my career by men and women who have succeeded in spite of being confronted with great obstacles' and yet succeeded. Many whom have succeeded in our world have produced great leaders but books will not be written about them but about the individuals they raised. I think of President Richard Nixon's exist speech to the White House News Corps; as he reflected on his mother paraphrasing President Nixon said: "my mother God Bless her she was a great woman, she was a great leader and no one will ever right a book about her." Know, there are a ton of books on how successful people become successful, but there aren't many books written about those people behind the scenes; those that produce great leaders. And, what was it that they instilled of those they influenced to become leaders.
Also, please keep in mind you don't have to be a Corporate CEO or an elected official to be a leader. Leadership comes in all shapes and sizes, in various colors and various ethnic make-ups. One does not have to be a celebrity to be a leader. Some of our greatest leaders are those that quietly go along performing their duties on a consistent basis and understanding what the mission is; sometimes out of necessity and other times as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. would say: "because of the content of their character." Though Dr. King did not reference from a perspective of leadership, he did however have a point about one's "content of their character".
Successful leaders know what they want, they always have a goal in mind and they stay focus on the mission to accomplish the goal. Former President Ronald Reagan was highly driven in the beginning stages of his political career of the need to bring communism to an end. He had a vision; he knew what he was aiming for and was very persistent to see an end to communism. He also, like President Nixon was highly influenced by his Mother, as she was the one who instilled the virtues' of being discipline and work hard and be prepared for the rough times. When President Reagan became President, his primary foreign affairs agenda was to bring the cold war to an end and as much as possible bring communism to an end. Well, he spearheaded the effort to bring the cold war to an end and communism as we know it today is a communistic system with a blend of capitalism, China is a case in point; quite different from how Karl Marx wrote his Communist Manifesto.
Successful leaders need to be open minded; they must always be prepared to make bold decisions during difficult conditions. Successful leaders must have an abiding love for the learning process as learning never really ceases to stop until we perish. Successful leaders must always be willing to serve and yet let others have the credit. For true leadership it is not about recognition but rather about success at performance.
Do you want to discover the secret to explosive Personal and Leadership Development? Download my free guide here: Leadership Development []. Dr. Richard C. Baiz is a College and Corporate Personal/Leadership Development Instructor and Coach who gets his clients top notch successful results fast.

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Sunday 29 September 2019

Is wealth more than money?

How to Become Successful in Network Marketing and Build a Huge Downline

Do you want to learn how to become successful in network marketing and build a huge downline? Success is a challenge but is definitely not impossible. It all depends on how bad you want to achieve success and how big is your reason why you want to be successful. If you have the desire to be successful then you need to know exactly what to do in order to make it happen. Following these simple steps will definitely set you on the right path of building a huge downline.
#1. Finding An Effective Way To Promote
The first thing that you have to focus on is finding an effective way to promote your business in order to see results. There are going to be many different ways that you can use to promote your business but is essential to take your time so you know that what you're doing is effective. The only way that you're going to know is to test out the methods and see what kind of results you get from them. You should definitely focus on the methods that do not charge you a lot of money so you don't have to spend a lot of money before making any.
#2. Be Consistent And Continue To Build The Pipeline
Now that you have found an effective way to promote your business all you have to do is be consistent and continue to build the pipeline of getting people to sign up into your business. Of course the more people you get signed up the more income you're going to make. Making a schedule to follow on a daily basis using whatever methods you decide to use is going to be beneficial for your long-term success.
#3. Train Your Downline To Do The Same
Now you will be getting people in your business and these people will become your downline. Your responsibility is to teach them exactly how they can start building their pipeline and achieve the same success you have been achieving. The great thing about this is that the more they produce the more you will be rewarded since they are part of your organization.
These are very simple steps that you can follow once you go over them and understand each one.
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Willox Perez is a 22 year old Internet entrepreneur who is revolutionizing the way most people make money today. He teaches simple techniques that anyone can use to put extra cash in their pockets from their homes.

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Saturday 28 September 2019

The miracle exercise

Learning From Your Mistakes - How to Become Successful

Learning from your mistakes is how to become successful. Life is about learning. Everything that happens to you teaches you something if you analyze it. Failing at a project is not failure unless you fail to learn from your mistakes and develop a negative attitude. It gives you another chance to get it right. Most people fail, but those who learn from it are often more successful than those who don't.
Failing can be an advantage because you usually learn more from it than winning. Those that win may not try harder the next time because they think they have it figured out. Failing causes one to examine all the weaknesses and bolster the strengths. It is your training ground. It should be looked at as a time of becoming better and stronger. It is how to become successful.
The main thing to be avoided is to start feeling sorry for yourself because you missed the mark. Becoming negative will eventually mean that you will give up and try something else. It is important that you stay positive and realize it is something most people experience.
Those with huge successes usually arrived at this position because they learned from previous failures.
What many do not realize is that you have to do something different to get out of the failing mode. It is insanity to keep doing the same thing and expect different results. If you keep on doing what you have been doing, you will keep on getting what you have been getting. Learning from your mistakes and correcting them is how to become successful.
The most important aspect for success in all areas of life is self-discipline. Children should be disciplined but many parents let them have their way. This is how. The Bible says that foolishness is bound in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction will drive it far from them (Proverbs 22:15).
If they are not corrected, they may never learn self-discipline as an adult.
If you do not discipline yourself in your marriage, you will have trouble with it. If you do not discipline yourself on the job, your employer will. If self-employed, your customers will discipline you if you don't, by quitting doing business with you. Everyone has foolishness in them, so we must all correct our self when necessary. It is how to be successful
We exercise self-discipline when we examine our attitude and actions and correct what is not right. This is another way of saying that learning from your mistakes is the way to become and continue to be successful.
Everyone makes mistakes and those who fail to correct them will suffer the consequences.
Those who correct them will be rewarded with happiness and success.
The best policy is to admit you have made a mistake and do your best to correct it. We sin when we fail to comply with the terms of the Bible. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans' 3:23). That is why Jesus died on the cross to forgive our sins. There are different doctrines in the many denominations, but all that matters is the blood of Christ. If you do what the New Testament says, you will be saved. "Climbing the Heavenly stairs" was written to help you understand the Bible. It is not a substitute for the Bible. It helps to understand it. You need it if you are unfamiliar with the sacred book.

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Friday 27 September 2019

Entrepreneur's Bootcamp

How People Become Successful

Do you want to become successful? Wondering how people become successful? In this article, today we will cover the important information you need to know, to be able to get yourself to the top of what you do.
So, invest the time, and you can discover the information you need!
The first reason why people become successful, is that they are focused on a destination. Having a destination is the first requisite of success.
Let us look at the majority of people. What we find is that they drift.
Something comes up, and they are doing that, something else happens and they are doing that.
These people are everywhere, but successful people are few and far between. Why, because they plot a path, and follow it, till they reach the destination.
Like a guided missile, they are different than the majority who can be likened to ships without rudders.
The result of both?
One has it easy. A pay check, and vacations planned out, while the other has to work harder, smarter, think, and have a long range plan.
The result though is that the successful people of this world may start out with less than most, but they ultimately reach a destination which many people can only dream of.
So, the key to success is making a plan of a destination to get to.
However, in my experience it is not that simple. Many people set silly goals like becoming a millionaire. I call it silly because making money by itself is pointless.
The main aspect is the life you will live, not the money. This is the main factor, whether becoming a success as a singer, actor, business person, mother or any other field of effort.
You can succeed and become your best. Start with a deep desire and go from there!
One of the biggest problems of humanity is not having a clear idea of where they are headed. Please go to life goals [] to find a valuable eBook. I am your life coach [], Kozan Huseyin.

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Thursday 26 September 2019

Living your life by design

How to Become Successful - Why the 'Be Anything You Can Be' Mantra is All Wrong

How to become successful? It's a frequently asked question. And all too often the responses you get are, "Work hard," or "Set your sight on the goal and never lose focus". How many times have you heard that you can accomplish anything if you just put your mind to it?
It's the American way, isn't it? We're bombarded with stories of people who beat the odds, who fought against the grain and overcame their weaknesses to triumph and stand victorious. Work hard, never lose faith, get it done. While they have good intentions, this advice can actually lead some people astray. Embracing the 'you can be anything you want to be' creed can actually stifle your true potential and the quality of your life. Pretty strong statement, isn't it?
Let me explain.
Rather than being anything you want to be, why not focus on what you should be, what you're truly passionate about, who you are the core of your being. So many people get led down roads they believe they "want" when it's really what they think they ought to be doing, where the money is supposed to be, what their parents thought they should do, what they believe is the most sensible thing to do.
If they really looked inside themselves, they'd realize that it isn't what they want. It's what they've been taught to want, or conditioned to want. And if they have to struggle everyday to make it a reality, if they have to fight their natural tendencies or character traits to make it happen, they think that's all the better. After all, that's what they've been taught. They fought against the grain and won. What a great success story!
But it doesn't have to be that way.
When people are allowed to focus on their true strengths, who they are at the core of their being, they are 3 times more likely to report having an excellent quality of life. 3 times more likely! That's a staggering difference..and proven time and again to hold true.When you're on your truth path, life flows more effortlessly, events align, doors open, and even stumbling blocks appear minor - all because you're doing what you love. It's a huge difference.
So, how to become successful []?
Finding your true passion is a crucial part of the process. Without this element, you're bound to be unfulfilled with the quality of your life. To discover the other critical elements, visit []. You'll discover, for FREE, how to become successful, and create rapid change in your life.

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Wednesday 25 September 2019

Keep failing and you will succeed

How to Become Successful in Life - 3 Secrets You Cannot Miss

Do you want to learn how to become successful in life? In this article, you will discover the 3 secrets that will help you to achieve your dreams and your goals and be successful in your life. What you need to do right now is to follow through and apply these secrets into your life.
Before you discover these secrets, you need to have these 2 basic elements to success. They are determination and commitment. If you are not determined to succeed and not committed to take action, you will never achieve what you want even though you have a proven formula at hand. So here are the 3 secrets...
1. Always think about the success you want in your life. Some people call this visualization. You have to understand that most people are not determined to achieve what they want in their life simply because they are not thinking about what they want most of the time. This is also the biggest difference between successful people and ordinary people. Successful people think about what they want most of the time and if you want to be like them, and then think just like them.
2. Know what you want to achieve in your life and write it down in a piece of paper. Do not underestimate goal setting. It is one of the most powerful techniques that will help you in achieving what you want. However, it is also one of the most under-use techniques. Thus, use this technique and leverage on its power to help you to achieve your dreams.
3. The final secret that I am going to share with you is not a secret. It is taking consistent action everyday. Once you wrote down your goals, brainstorm and think about what you should do in order to achieve your goals. Write down your strategies and take action according to your strategies. Nothing will happen automatically. You need to do something in order for your dreams to come true. Even if it is as easy as waving a magic wand, you still need to take action and wave the wand.
Stop spending anymore time and effort into something that does not work. Learn the real guaranteed strategies that will make you successful. Achieving what you want and becoming successful in life is not something difficult or complicated. As long as you follow through a proven system or method, you will definitely achieve what you really want in your life.
Learn How To Be Successful In Life [] by using proven and guaranteed strategies I shared in my website. Acquire them and apply them into your life, and you will never live a mediocre life another day...

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Tuesday 24 September 2019

Watch this every day

4 Tips on How to Become Successful Internet Marketer and Earn a Lot of Money

Yes, there is a proven way which anyone can follow and succeed in internet marketing business. Internet marketing is a great business, it is very popular in today's economy, but if you want to start earning money and become a successful marketer you need to do certain things. So what are these things?
1.) Education - this is critical, without proper education you will be very confused, waste a lot of money and after a few weeks or months you will be frustrated and you quit. Why? Because there are a lot of marketing strategies and do not think that you will make money only by investing in advertising. You need to know how to do it and how to it correctly and effectively.
2.) Product, business or service - also very important, because you need to have some product that is very valuable to marketplace, otherwise no one will buy anything from you. So find a product, business or service which is valuable and put this offer in front of highly targeted people who are looking for this kind of product, business or service. And you can do this only by getting education.
3.) Association (community of likeminded people) - well even that this business is online and you can work from home and all you need is computer and internet, the association of likeminded people who help each other and inspire each other is necessary. Do not try to build your business on your own, do not be shy to ask others how they become successful, what is working for them, how they overcome challenges, because no one is perfect and everyone has sometimes tough days, where there is a lack of motivation and inspiration.
4.) Personal development - Jim Rohn said: "Work harder on yourself than you do on your business". Study personal development programs, read books, listen audios, watch videos, do anything what you can do in order to become a better person. The thing is that more you grow the more you business grow.
Write down these four main points and if you want to become successful marketer you need to follow all of them. Do not try to build your business without education or without valuable product or without association or without personal development. I know that you probably thinking that I am crazy, but if you follow these instructions, you will see the results as soon as possible. And all we need is results am I right? We want to grow in any area of our life business and personal growth included.
Disover How To Get All These 4 Aspects In One Place.
Jiri Majkus is Internet Marketing Coach and Author, person who loves to connect with people and help the on their way to happiness and success. []

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Monday 23 September 2019

Is it ever too late to get rich and achieve your dreams

How to Become Successful - 3 Easy Steps to Living Your Dream Life

How to become successful is the one thing that they should teach you in school but don't tend to cover. Maybe because becoming successful isn't so much about book learning, but about embracing your true talents, and creating your own path to success. And while that's true, there actually is a proven process that you can use, a simple 3 step process that can be easily taught to anyone. No matter where you're starting from, you can use this process to create the life of your dreams.
Step 1. Develop unstoppable confidence in yourself. Without confidence, there is no way you can hold a vision of success for your future. Confidence is the most important, and often the most overlooked, element of success. Get a hold of your limiting beliefs, your self sabotaging dialogue and thoughts, and your opportunities will become limitless.
Step 2. Find your passion and purpose in life. The easiest way to stay motivated, to persist and excel in life, is to focus on what you were truly meant to be doing - the unique gifts and talents that only you possess. When you live your life aligned with your purpose, you'll be amazed at the changes that occur in your life. Happiness - Success - Prosperity - All these come seemingly effortlessly when you live an authentic life.
Step 3. Create a plan of action based on proven principles and sound techniques. Tony Robbins says, "Success leaves clues". It's up to us to see them, study them and follow them. So, study the successful people who came before you. Align yourself with like minded folks on the journey with you. Find a mentor to help you progress at a rapid pace.
Want to delve even deeper into how to become successful []?
Visit [] You'll discover, for FREE, how to become successful, and create rapid change in your life.

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Sunday 22 September 2019

Tony Robbins - 30 years of stuttering, cured in 7 minutes!

Advice for sales people

How to Become Successful - The 4 Pillars of Inevitable Success

Success has become a HUGE focus of attention in our society. A lot of people struggle with how to become successful. Here are some key pillars of success that have made the biggest difference in my life, and from what I can tell, ALL successful people have these in common.
1. Do What You Love, Love What You Do
This is by far one of the most important ones. You have to go beyond simply liking what you do every day. You have to LOVE it! You must feel like even though you had all the money in the would still be doing what you're doing. This is the key question here: If I had all the money I wanted and needed, would I be doing what I'm doing? If not, what would I be doing?
2. Give Away MASSIVE Value
People are attracted to what is in their best interest. Seems simple, right? If you connect what you love with what others are looking for and willing to give them the transformational experience they're looking for...success of all kinds are inevitable. I think Zig Ziglar said it best, "If you help people get what they want, you'll get what you want".
3. Own Your Worthiness to Receive
The other side of giving is receiving. People tend to have a hard time receiving, like it's selfish, or "bad". In order to be successful, you have to let go of this judgment. You have to be open to receive MORE than you can imagine right now. Just remember though, you'll receive based on what you give away. Plant the seeds, and you'll have a great harvest.
4. Express Gratitude Every Day
This is the great topper of all toppers. To experience massive success, inside and out, there is nothing greater than gratitude to shift your focus, energize your body, and create an attractive personality. Gratitude heals the body and mind. It is the BEST marketing system in the world. What happens when you say "Thank You" to someone? They usually say, "You're WELCOME".
Hmmm...think about this for a moment. I think what you'll find is that being grateful for your life, your friends, body, and so on...WELCOMES even more to flow your way.
Learn how to easily create more success [], fulfillment, and happiness by downloading your FREE 45 min. recording "7 Ways to Quickly and Easily Raise Your Vibration". Just go to: []
Create a beautiful day!
Joshua BenAvides
"The High Vibe Coach"

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Saturday 21 September 2019

5 Things you must know to achieve incredible success

Success Tips: How to Become Successful in Business

1. The first and most important thing you must do, if you want to learn how to become successful in business is, to learn from those who are already successful.
If they are in the specific industry you're in, then so much the better. There are certain fundamental business principles that remain the same over the ages. Some are more industry specific than others, but the fact remains you'll always learn something valuable from someone who has successfully done it.
Therefore there is no need to reinvent the wheel, when you can just copy what someone else is already doing.
You must accept that you may not know everything, and should therefore be willing to learn and implement what you learn.
2. The second thing you must have is discipline. You must be disciplined and should allocate time to implement what you have learned. It is only when you implement that you can see if what works for others also work for you.
3. Thirdly, you must become a result-oriented person. This means you must set goals and plan how you're going to achieve those goals. This is where discipline plays a big role.
When you set goals you must monitor the activities you're taking towards achieving your goals. Are they working or not? If they are not working, then adjust them. Try something else.
4. Fourthly, you must work on your mindset. If you don't have discipline or struggle to set goals and achieve them, it means your mindset needs to be changed.
Your mind is sometimes slow in catching up with change, because it is a creature of habit. This means you'll have to employ additional measures such as affirmations or meditation to bring it up to speed.
5. The fifth factor you must consider if you want to learn how to become successful in business is to research your target market.
5.1. Are they male or female
5.2. In which age group do they fall?
5.3. what are their buying patterns
5.4. How much money do they have to spend?
5.5. What are their preferences?
Once you figure out what your target market wants, it will be so much easier to create products that fit what they are looking for.
6. The sixth point to consider is to believe in yourself and in your products and be prepared to fully stand behind them. If you don't believe in your products, no-one else will.
If you want to learn how to become successful in business, then visit my website Total Transformation System [] today and acquire the mindset and habits of millionaires.

Friday 20 September 2019

It's time to focus on you!

How to Become Successful in Life

Is it your dream to become successful? I picture that most people in our world have a dream to achieve success in life. Not many achieve their dream, but what about the rest? Do you know how to become successful? Do you have a yearning to become more successful? If that is the case, then allow me to take you on a journey where we will find out how to become successful in life.
What does it mean to achieve success in life?
Each one of us is unique, and becoming successful consequently means something different to each one of us.
  •     Certain persons desire to be rich.
  •     Certain persons desire to be famous.
  •     Certain persons desire to do extremely well in sports.
  •     Certain persons desire to be big corporation presidents.
  •     Certain persons desire to be great statesmen.
  •     Certain persons desire to attain high grades in their studies.
  •     Certain persons desire to receive a university degree.
  •     Certain persons desire to complete marine boot camp.
  •     Certain persons desire to win a marathon race.
  •     Certain persons desire to complete a marathon race.
  •     Certain persons desire to author a book.
  •     Certain persons desire to establish and operate a lucrative small company.
  •     Certain persons desire to provide food aid to a famished people in a third-world country.
  •     Certain persons desire to ascend the highest mountains on our planet.
It is obvious that there are plenty of views of what is defined by success. However, it is important to recognize and comprehend what success means to YOU. It will make your journey to understand how to become successful much simpler.
How would YOU like to become successful?
Take some time, think hard and write down your list of how you want to become successful in life.
If you know what success is, why have you not become successful yet? Yes, this is a very sensitive issue, and at times it hurts to face it. Why are certain people successful and others not? Is it something in our make-up; something in our genes that prevent us from excelling in life? Or is it something that we can change and turn around? Is it simply because you do not know how to become successful?
It is true that certain aspects of our lives can't be changed and some aspects are awfully hard to modify. A person may have been born with specific disabilities that make it impossible to carry out certain actions. For example, although there are many blind people who can do amazing things without their eyesight, there are some actions and occupations where there is no substitute for proper vision, such as being a fighter aircraft pilot.
Furthermore, a person may not have the talent to execute certain tasks well, although lack of talent did not prevent many persons to become successful. For example, there are a few international pop stars who do not have exceptional singing voices, but they make up for that deficiency in other areas, such as with amazing songs, on-stage presence, on-stage gimmicks, brilliant marketing, etc.
Most people in the world quote lack of MONEY as their number one excuse for not being successful. Nevertheless, entrepreneurs like Honda's founder, Soichiro Honda, Sony Corporation's founder, Akio Morita and even Apple's founder, Steve Jobs, have proven them wrong.
TIME is the next most universal resource that people say they are short of for not becoming successful. However, all of us operate by the same clock; and all of us have the same 24 hours in every day. Consequently, everyone must possess the ability to plan and manage how we utilize time that either produces results, or lack of results.
Then there are persons who state that they do not have the TALENT or the ABILITY to become successful. Two South African Paralympic athletes have proven them wrong. Oscar Pistorius and Natalie du Toit are both disabled athletes who regularly compete against able-bodied athletes.
Oscar Pistorius is known as the "Blade Runner" and "the fastest man on no legs". Oscar is the double amputee world record holder in the 100, 200 and 400 metres (sport class T44) events and runs with the aid of Flex-Foot carbon fibre transtibial artificial limbs. In 2007 Oscar took part in his first international able-bodied competitions. At the 2008 Summer Paralympics, he took the gold medals in the 100, 200 and 400 metres (T44) sprints.
Natalie du Toit is a South African swimmer whose left leg was amputated at the knee after a motorcycle accident. When she qualified to compete at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, she became the first female amputee swimmer ever to qualify for the Olympics, where she placed 16th in a field of 24 in the 10,000m swim. She also took part in the 2008 Summer Paralympics, winning 5 Gold Medals.
And so there are numerous of other excuses that people mention for not becoming successful.
"Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome. - Samuel Johnson"
What are YOUR excuses for not becoming successful? Be honest about yourself. Think hard and write your excuses down or add them to the list if you want. What are the steps to teach us how to become successful?
Adam Khoo provides us with the 6 steps of the Ultimate Success Formula in his book "Master Your Mind, Design Your Destiny: Proven Strategies that Empower You to Achieve Anything You Want in Life":
  •     Step 1. Be Very Specific about Your Goal
  •     Step 2. Develop a Strategy
  •     Step 3. Take Consistent Action
  •     Step 4. Turn Failure into Feedback
  •     Step 5. An Empowering Belief System
  •     Step 6. Values: Our Driving Force
Adam Khoo states that all those apparent limitations as tinted by our excuses are just false impressions. The fact is that we all have everything we need to be successful. We just have to study how to utilize it. And in this book, he teaches exactly how it's done.
Do you feel that you are you caught up in a stressed and monotonous existence, without any chance of achieving success in your life? Click here for more resources to assist you to get out of the doldrums.
The intensity of your desire governs the power with which the force is directed. -- John McDonald.
Also click here [] and find out how you can turn your life around by designing your destiny.

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Thursday 19 September 2019

Make Stress Work For You!

Success Tips: How to Become Successful Person

1. The first thing you need to understand if you want to know how to become successful person is that is that you attract success by the person you become.
Similarly, you attract failure by the person you are. So, how exactly does one become a successful person?
The key word here is change. If you're doing something and it is not working, what do you do? You change. In this case if you are continually failing in life, you must change.
However you cannot change until you accept that you are responsible for everything that you have created. The first thing you must do is to accept responsibility.
In terms of changing, the first thing that would probably need change is your mindset. By mindset I mean the way you think, the way you talk, the decisions you take and how you act or behave. But to change all of the above you must start by changing your beliefs.
What are beliefs? Beliefs can basically be described as "the way you see the world." However beliefs don't change every day. It's not like today you believe one thing and tomorrow you believe something else. Beliefs are usually set for a long time. If you have a specific belief, that belief will govern your life for many years until you change it.
If you have been failing, then it means you have had beliefs that attracted failure. So, if you want to become successful person you must acquire beliefs of successful people. If you don't, you'll continue to fail.
The first thing to change then is your mindset.
2. The second thing you should change is what you do, and how you do it. Although what you do is influenced by what you belief, the opposite is also true. What you do also influences what you believe.
And this is what many coaches don't teach their students and the students get it wrong because they listen to too many tapes and do too little.
3. The third thing you should do if you want to learn how to become successful person is to spend time with people who are already successful. We become like those we associate with.
If you spend time with failures, you will continue to be a failure. If you spend time with successful people, you too will become successful.
4. The fourth thing you should is to believe in yourself. It is not secret that successful people think highly of themselves. So, if you want to become successful, follow their example and believe in yourself.
The thoughts you think and the actions you take every day will determine if you'll become successful in life or not. So, why not visit Total Transformation System [] today and learn more about how you can become successful person.

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Wednesday 18 September 2019

Chris Widener - Key note on how to be successful!

The world is designed to depress us!!!

A Few days ago I came across a post that had been shared on a social media site that went into how 'the world is increasingly designed to depress us'. This was something that had been written in a book and the page that this had been written on had been shared.
It went on to say that 'happiness isn't very good for the economy' and that, 'if we were happy with what we had, why would we need more?' There are a number of other examples that are used, but they all centre around the same point: that the world is set up to make us feel bad.
The Last Point
On the last part of the page it says, 'To be calm become a kind of revolutionary act. To be happy with your non-upgraded existence. To be comfortable with our messy, human selves, would not be good for business.'
Now, on one level, it could be said that what has been said is right - the world doesn't seem to be structured in a way that encourages people to be happy with who they are and what they have. There is always something else that they need to have and another reason why they can't be happy.
It's clear
Based on this, it is not going to be a surprise if someone is not happy and has the need to have more. There is a reason, and the reason is that people 'out there' are working overtime to keep them in miserable sate.
One way of looking at it would be to say that one will be a victim and the people that are doing this are the perpetrators. To put an end up this dynamic, then, will require 'the revolutionary act' of one being comfortable with themselves.
Going Deeper
On another level, it could be said that although there are indeed forces out there that are 'designed' to do this, it doesn't mean that we are merely passive victims. Ultimately, the only way that these forces can influence us is if we give them permission to do so.
Thanks to the glorification of victimhood in today's culture, it can be very easy for someone to buy into anything that paints them as a victim. When this takes place, they will give their power away to someone or something outside of themselves.
Waking Up
Feeling like a victim can allow one to feel angry and even self-righteous, and both of these things can allow them to feel good, but what this won't do is allow them to take control of their life. The only way that this will happen is if one takes a look at what part they might (the word 'might' is used instead of 'are' as this can prevent their ego from dismissing what has been said) be playing in how they experience life.
What is pretty certain is that they will need to be more discerning when it comes to what they focus on and how they spend their time. So in the same way that they are unlikely to just put anything into their mouth, they will need to be careful when it comes to what they put in front of their eyes and the company that they keep, amongst other things.
Final Thoughts
For example, if one watches a lot of TV and this is having a negative effect on their wellbeing, they can cut down or stop watching it altogether. A big part of this will be for one to live life that is deeply meaningful, as this can prevent them from getting caught up in the distractions and the dramas of the world.
If one doesn't take matters into their own hands and they wait until the world is perfect (whatever that means), thereby putting their life on hold in the process, they will be wasting the life that they have been given. One reason why one would waste their life is because they don't value themselves.
It will then be essential for them to work through what is preventing them from being able to embrace their inherent value. This won't necessarily be easy but it will be worth it in the long run.
Teacher, prolific writer, author, and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over two thousand, two hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.
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Tuesday 17 September 2019

Are You Where You Want To Be In Life?

Are you where you want to be in life - financially, health-wise, relationships or your career? Silly question? I don't think so. I've asked myself this question dozens of times during my life and I have to admit more often than not the answer to one of the life areas was - no.
In life, you can only be one of three places (I'm being general here) - where you were or have been, where you are now and where you will be in the future. I know this might at first seem a bit confusing but think about it - for example - where are you now - in your car, your office your kitchen or backyard - the simple answers.
Where do you want to be tomorrow - the hard answers - because here's where it can get a bit tricky. But, keep this question in mind generally - don't get into the weeds about every single life area - just consider the bigger picture of your life. For example in the future - you want to be with someone or someone different, you want to be working somewhere else or retired, you want to be better off financially or you want to rid yourself of this current negative health condition that is plaguing you now - yes there are hundred's more questions like these - I used these to keep the process but not necessarily the results - simple.
Here's the challenge. You will ultimately be where today takes you - so if you want to be somewhere different tomorrow you have to take the action to get there - today. Fail to take it and tomorrow you will be in the same place you are now - and again to be clear - I'm not talking here about whether you are in your car or the kitchen, I'm confident if you are still reading you have figured out the subtleties I am trying to share.
So, where do you want to be that's a different place tomorrow? Go ahead take a minute and jot down a few items like - better or different; job, relationship, where you live, what you drive, who your friends are, how healthy you are, your financial condition- go ahead - write them down - as many as you can - trust me you can't get there if you are not clear about where "there" is. And why - well if you don't know what they are what do you think the chances are they things will change or be different tomorrow than they are today?
I will guarantee that everyone wants something better, new or different tomorrow in some area of their life - to be younger, to be with different people, to be living someplace new, etc. Whether it's a small difference or a major one is not the issue - what is the issue - is your willingness to either let go of the wish, goal, plan or desire - essentially give up or settle - OR to take the necessary moves or steps today to get there or to start to make it happen.
Why do people wish for something better or different and then do nothing to get there? Why do they settle? Why do they give up or in? Why do they quit? I could go on for hours or pages but how about just three (yes there are many more) quick reasons; 1) The fear of the unknown future - will it really be better or different or should I just stay where I am? Can I control the future? What if it doesn't turn out the way I hoped? 2)The fear of rejection or failure - what if I try and don't succeed?
What if I go for it and people laugh at me for doing so at this stage or time in my life? 3)The fear of success. What if I do go for it and get it or achieve it and it doesn't live up to my expectations or needs?
Here's the major problem that you are facing if you have any of these three fears - you are tending to define your future by your past or present; experiences, attitudes, outcomes, choices, etc. In other words, you have always struggled financially so why expect that the future will be any different. You have always been disappointed in relationships so why should you anticipate that the future will be better or different? Everyone, you know in your age group, gender, race, religion, etc. has never done what you want to do? Got it - with these mindsets you are letting the decisions or choices of others or your past rule your ultimate future.
No one knows what is around the next corner whether you are broke or a millionaire, stupid or the smartest person in the room, healthy or really sick, beautiful or handsome or ugly as sin, etc. No one knows how actions, choices, decisions or anything will be or turn out tomorrow. It's all about desire, faith, courage, passion, effort, and acceptance and yes - resilience, self-trust, patience, and hope. If you don't have these - stay stuck. If you have them - go for it.

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Monday 16 September 2019

Letting Go of the Past

Trying Too Hard Is The Real Reason For Your Lack Of Success

Don't Aim For Results Over Outcomes
I want to take you on a journey on a topic I trust is close to your heart as it is mine. What am I referring to? Trying too hard. Firstly, let's begin by examining your relationship with the matter. Are you aware of trying too hard whether it be in your: relationships, career, health or otherwise? What do you believe is the cause of it? I will give you an insight into my experience via a recent journal entry below. Sometimes trying hard has worked, yet mostly it hasn't because of the effort required to sustain it. For example, in relationships it can become exhausting trying hard all the time. Is this something you've experienced before? Perhaps you were making every effort instead of allowing the relationship to run its natural course? Whatever the case, there may be an underlying tension of forcing things to happen that can lead to an unhealthy relationship.
Similarly, if we try too hard to get ahead in our career, the energy we spend may be the very thing holding us back. How can we learn to struggle less without compromising our desire to succeed? For example, I enjoy working hard because it gives me a sense of purpose and meaning. I love writing, speaking and coaching clients on all things related to: self-improvement, personal growth and self-awareness. How about you? How do you find purpose and meaning in your life? Do you have expectations of how your work is seen by others? For example, you might enjoy being creative whether through art or music. Sometimes your work is not acknowledged in the manner you envisioned. This is hard to accept and so we try harder hoping our next creative endeavour will be a hit. However, success is seldom achieved in such a way, since we tend to please others instead of building on our success. We are not listening to our inner guidance but relying on outside influences to dictate our outcomes.
As you read through my journal entry below, note how I intentionally ask questions to get to the heart of the issue. The key is to focus on one area of your life when doing self-exploration and examine it objectively. It requires distancing yourself from the situation with an open mind. Then it will become obvious where you need to take action or not. Once you finish reading this article, I invite you to write in your journal or diary ways in which you are trying too hard in areas of your life. It may be difficult at first but remain open as you explore it since there may be vital clues you need to learn.
Examining My Limiting Belief
Am I Trying Too Hard To Succeed? What Is The Cause Of Trying Too Hard?
For as long as I can remember, I've had a strong desire to succeed whether it was related to my career or life circumstances. I've enjoyed working hard which may be attributed to my relationship with my father who conveyed the idea that nothing I did was ever good enough. Therefore, on an unconscious level I had to work harder than most people to achieve the same level of success. Tied to this was a sense of perfection and pushing myself to extremes, whether it be through sport, in my relationships or career. I was aware of the inner critic urging me to do better. However, the cost of trying too hard meant falling short of my expectations, i.e. disappointment, anger and frustration. I justified it by convincing myself that I had put in the hard work, therefore I should be entitled to success. Limiting Belief: Hard work is not a predictor or precursor to success. There were times I wanted to give up, yet I found this difficult because if I quit who would take control of my life? The universe? God? Someone else? These are questions that flood my mind as I try to make sense of how much effort it requires to achieve my goals.
In recent years, the need to try hard has improved. It involved the art of 'allowing' instead of forcing things to happen. When I force life to happen, it seldom works out as planned and I become disillusioned. When I come from a place of love, faith and trust, I can still work hard with fewer expectations of a desired outcome. It's not that I don't want to succeed, however I have learned to let go of fixed outcomes because life may have better plans. So how can I change my relationship of trying too hard? What is the cause of forcing things to happen? Firstly, I can learn to detach from desired outcomes regarding a project, a goal or a relationship. I still invest myself wholeheartedly and show up embodying my deepest self but I suspend my expectations of how things should unfold. Perhaps the cause of forcing things to happen is my limiting belief that I have to do all the work otherwise I won't get what I want. This was the message conveyed by my father which I adopted as truth. I believed if nothing I do is ever good enough, I must work hard to make up for it. But working harder will not assure me success if my intentions are not in the right place. If I am lacking in some way, all my hard work will go to waste if I feel undeserving. The key is to work efficiently and reframe my relationship of receiving and deserving. When I let go of fixed outcomes and give myself entirely to the undertaking, everything I ever need will show up in its own time.

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