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Monday 15 February 2021

Success - Peak Performance Self Improvement - Personal Power Through Mind Empowerment

 How to succeed? We all have the ability to succeed. We all have experience with success.

We increase our likelihood of success when we perform at peak levels. Take peak performance athletes as an example. How do they achieve consistent peak levels of performance?

They condition their body, mind/psychology, emotions, focus, intention and beliefs.

They condition their physical body in general and they condition their body specific to the requirements of their sport. And they condition their mind; their psychology, their intention and their emotions. And they maintain a calm, controlled focus on their task.

During practice and competition they engage in highly focused and purposeful concentration, intention, commitment and performance during a specific, often prolonged, period in time.

But are they constantly practicing or competing? No. They do have down time, when they let everything go and just live. This is an important element in peak performance. Down time is good for the body and mind and rejuvenates them.

It is also beneficial to "let go" when you are in the heat of competition. When you hold on tightly to the need to perform, you cut the flow of potential to some degree. Compete with full intention and focus, but with a detachment to moment by moment and global results.

All of these are things we must do if we want to perform at peak levels in our lives. At least if we want to perform on a consistent basis. We too must condition our body, mind, psychology, emotions, focus, intention and beliefs.

This is difficult though, because our mind and brain have been trained to take the lazy route of habitual, random, often negative, often limiting, thought.

But it's most often those who choose to do the difficult things in life that have an easy life. It's those who choose do the easy things that have a difficult life.

Do you have any idea what we get in life? For the most part, we get what we expect. We get what we look for. We get what our beliefs tell us we will get.

Now, I don't suggest for a moment that there aren't outside forces that you can't control. But, what you look for you will find. What you expect almost invariably happens. At least if you habitually expect it. And for those things you don't control, you still get to choose what the circumstance "means" to you. Your choice of meaning is often the most powerful determinant in the impact outside forces have on our lives long-term.

Have you ever bought a new car or outfit and all of a sudden you see it everywhere? What's with those people? Don't they have an idea of their own? Why do they copy everything you do?

Why do you suddenly see it everywhere? Because it has become important to you. It has become a part of your perceptual framework or blueprint of life. Your subconscious manages your perceptual framework and it looks for those things that confirm or reinforce your framework.

It's like the perennial optimistic person. Their perceptual framework is positive, so they tend to find, see and feel positive forces in life. The opposite is true for pessimistic or otherwise negative people.

So, why not then decide to be one of the former, rather than the latter? Choose a perceptual framework that looks for, expects and believes in the best for, from and about themselves and life?

I wish you your greatest life!

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