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Thursday 4 April 2019

Manifesting Desires - Tips For Law Of Attraction Users

It's an understatement to say that we are faced with many challenges in this modern age such as pollution, overpopulation, Global Warming, war, racism, sexism, you name it we got it. However, it is not only my belief but also that of all the New Thought teachers throughout time, that when you stop focusing on the problem and start focusing on solutions, the problem disappears. This is where we come to the first of the tips for law of attraction users. Stop focusing on the problems in your life because by doing so, you will create space in your mind which can be used to begin manifesting desires.
Focus 90% of your time on solutions and only 10% of your time on problems. -Anthony J. D'Angelo
With that sentiment fresh in your mind, I will now teach you a technique that can without a doubt assist you in your quest to manifest prosperity.
The Picture Book of Your Life Technique
Using this technique has allowed my mind to soak up all my ideas and goals just as a sponge soaks up water, and just as a sponge must eventually release the water it holds, so too must a mind release goals and desires in the form of expression and realisation. I have used this technique for the last 6 months, and in those 6 months I have experienced more success and happiness in a consistent stream than at any other time of my life. That is how effective this technique is in the art of manifesting desires.
The Steps to take
1. Buy a diary sized notebook and in the front write "Picture Book of My Life."
2. Then in the first few pages, make a list of all the things that you desire to have in your life. Remember this one important rule though. If when you come up with something that you "think" you desire, you feel no emotional stirrings from within, discard the desire because it clearly isn't something that "you" want. I stress "you" because if you feel nothing for a desire then it most likely isn't even your desire, it is someone else's. For example, it could be something your neighbor mentioned they wanted, or a friend or family member. It may even be something that someone else has that you think you also want as you know what they say, "The grass is always greener on the other side."
3. After making your list, it is time to find some pictures for each of your desires. If you desire to manifest a house then find pictures of a beautiful house or houses in magazines or online. Once you have cut the pictures out glue the pictures into a page in your book but make sure you leave the centre clear. In the centre of the page, surrounded by the pictures of your desire will be a picture of you smiling, happy that you have achieved your goal! In my opinion, it is extremely important that you place a picture of yourself in the centre of your goals as this speeds up the connection you feel with the pictures and your goals and ensures that you manifest desires more quickly.
4. Follow step three for every page. You may have as many pictures as you wish. Write a caption on the page also, something that signifies the attainment of your goals like, "This is my beautiful new home." Do this for every page.
5. Finally, look at your goals every morning, afternoon and evening to ensure that you allow the goals and desires to take root within your subconscious mind which will begin work on ways to manifest your desires.
Your subconscious mind is more powerful than you could imagine and is capable of finding unlimited ways of achieving your goals as Earl Nightingale once said:
Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.
Richard J. O'Neill is a Tefl Teacher and freelance writer with a burning desire to help others to achieve their goals in life.
Read more about manifesting desires.

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