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Tuesday 23 April 2019

9 Rules for a Monumental Life | Robin Sharma

7 Central Principles of Personal Mastery

Principles behind personal and self mastery are actually fundamental concepts that are essential when building professional, social, interpersonal, and spiritual relationships. The first principle stresses being aware of how you define success. In personal mastery, along with its central component of emotional mastery, internal change, in the here-and-now is actually more important than what has happened in your past.
Personal mastery is also based on how you have come to define and understand your own reality - what it is you believe about your life right now, about yourself and about others. Personal mastery is central to how you think and what you believe and the level to which you are or are not aware of your own thoughts and their effect on how you feel and even more importantly how your thoughts and feelings play themselves out with others.
7 Central Principles of Personal Mastery 
  1. Set goals for yourself and take action to achieve them
  2. Be open to learning how to deal effectively with difficult and challenging situations
  3. Identify positive behaviour and feelings and validate yourself
  4. Challenge your thoughts by looking for "objective" evidence for against what you believe
  5. Let go of negativity that can keep you stuck in resentment and blame
  6. Develop and nurture an inquisitive mind-set and an attitude of gratitude
  7. Learn to ask skillful questions of yourself that will help you understand yourself better
It is important for you to invest your time in and energy on things that you can control. This means focusing on yourself and what you want to change and not focusing on trying to change or fix anyone else. It is important to let go of any proclivity to have a reactive attitude that can lead to feelings of resentment, rejection-sensitivity, negativity, blame, and shame, that are obstacles to healthy change and that can keep you stuck in repeating old and worn out patterns of relating that cause you to continue suffer. When you are invested in suffering, it is suffering that you master. Not personal self and emotional mastery.
Another principle behind self mastery is understanding that what happens to in your life is based on your own choices - accepting personal responsibility is the way to create change moving forward in your life. Decisions about your life need to be made by you in a conscious and aware way. A proactive way. Not a reactive way.
Having a clear vision of what you want and what you need to learn more about to achieve your goals is also very central to building your personal mastery. After identifying your goals it is important to create a plan of action that will help you to achieve your goals. Taking action steps toward the achievement of your goals is the way to apply your vision, values, and principles to your self-improvement, emotional and personal mastery. Mastery means you are continuing to build and strengthen your emotional, psychological, and psychosocial competence.
Overall, an individual who actively engages his or her own process of personal mastery will be able to raise self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-responsibility. The central gift, of the process of and engagement in personal mastery, is that individuals will recognize that they are part of a bigger picture in life - connected to humanity. As you continue to know more about who you are you will also be forging a deeper connection to others.
Personal mastery is something that does not happen unintentionally or overnight. It requires discipline and reinforcement, mindful conscious intention and attention. It needs to be nurtured. Each person who is on the path of personal mastery can benefit from personal coaching and/or counselling to make sure that what they continue to learn about in the process of transformative change and healing of personal mastery is supported and validated in ways that increase awareness and confidence in navigating all the new and wonderful ways that each person will come to better know him/herself.
Personal mastery helps each person, on this journey in his or her life, understand that life is full of opportunities for expanding individual vision and skills in ways that can transform pain and suffering in ways that increase personal enlightenment, emotional, psychological, intellectual, and spiritual balance. This expanding consciousness and the ways that it can transform suffering into aware living that is competence being strengthened and supported in action is life in the flow of Grace.
A.J. Mahari is a Life Coach, BPD/Mental Health and Self-Improvement Coach. She is the author of 20+ Ebooks and Author/Narrator of 35+ Audio Programs that can be found at and also has over 10 websites online on a wide variety of topics with many blogs, podcasts, and videos available free of charge as well.

Article Source:

Monday 22 April 2019

How to Build Confidence | Robin Sharma

Personal Mastery and Improving Your Life

There are a lot of people who have recently discovered personal mastery as a method that could improve their way of life and deepen their perspective and outlook What is personal mastery and how can it improve your life?
Personal or Self mastery is about deepening our understanding and expanding our perspective about life. It develops vision, energies and enables us to determine what direction we are taking in our life. People who have achieved this mastery testified that they would feel a positive change in their life.
There are different benefits an individual may gain from personal mastery:
o Clear decision making - since an individual who have attained mastery has gained clear vision on their purpose and their mission in life, decision making would be easy and at the same clear for them.
o Strong creative leadership - personal mastery develops strong leadership, also can develop a person's communication skills and confidence as a leader. Effective leaders also need to manage their emotions and not let their emotions get in the way of making judgment.
o Increased emotion intelligence - mastering our emotions could be difficult at times especially during period of difficult and challenging times. Coaching and counseling could improve how an individual develop and master their emotions.
o Improved work life balance - those who have attained mastery testified that they can see significant effect on how they have handled their life. What's good with personal mastery is that you can implement this even in your career and interpersonal relationship.
o Reduced stress levels - since personal mastery deals with understanding reality and weaknesses, it can result to lower stress levels. Aside from that, mastery over one's self also helps an individual accept change and be flexible about it. This could help a person deal with stress and reduce it.
This type of self improvement can even help you let go of bad habits and behaviour. For example, personal mastery can help you get over with smoking or alcoholic addiction. You do not only address the habit but deals with the reason why you have started the habit in the first place. The difference is when you only address the habit, it is possible for it to come back again. But when you tackle the issues behind the habit, it would make you stop the habit altogether.
One of the great things about self mastery is that it can be applied whether you want to improve your career, leadership or your organization. self mastery can even help you with career, whether you would like to change your path or would like to improve your performance in the current career you are in.
Business organizations have cited different benefits when their leaders and their members have achieved personal mastery. Studies and statistics showed that companies and business organization were able to think creatively about resolving issues. Self mastery were also able to bring out the best from the employees and also able to have higher staff retention. Employers also comment on the strong relationship among the workers, personal mastery could encompass teams, departments and even workers and senior relationship. Business statistics also showed that mastery over one's self showe's an increase in productivity, profit and customer service performance.
Personal mastery, contrary to what it literally means, is not just for your own person. Improving yourself could mean a lot, you are a part of a whole (another personal mastery key principle). Your improvement can influence others and eventually change the world into something better.
The author is Emanuel Blankenship and has been in the SEO field for nearly 12 years and loves to share techniques. To learn more about Search Engine optimization and website traffic visit []

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Friday 19 April 2019

Tony Robbins: Your Mind is the Key to Your Success

Abundance Of Money - Abundance Of Love

How much happiness is there in a piece of paper with the word "happiness" printed upon it? It depends on the person who holds that piece of paper...
How much value is there in a 100 dollar bill?
Same thing...
If you think you're poor and have just enough to make ends meet, an unexpected 100 dollar bill is very valuable. If you believe you're rich and more money is coming to you all the time, an unexpected 100 dollar bill is nice, but not very important.
So, it depends on the person...
But it also depends on what's going around that person. For example:
The "free" game
In the "real world", we expect to pay a certain price for the goods we receive: tickets, books, doctor's advice etc. Not so on the Internet. Here many people expect - more or less - these goods to be offered for free.
But I wonder what happens to us, to our perception of our own value, when we read these words again and again and again: "take it, it's free", "it's worth 100$ but you get it free", "you don't have to pay".
We might be paying a high price
Not right away, not in terms of dollars. But in terms of value.
If the approach is honest, you will understand that the free offer is an invitation to exchange something. For example, you give me a possibility to share my expertise in some area, which then leads you to buy a certain product, which you really enjoy, just as I enjoy the extra income. We are both being enriched.
Let's now say I consistently give you something for free, without acknowledging that I also receive. Why would I do that you wonder (consciously or not)? There can only be one explanation: we have nothing to exchange. You will feel you have nothing of value to give me. Just as I will feel my product or service is not worth paying for. We will both become poor in the process.
Spending and accepting money
Money is about exchange. Although temporarily attached to certain pockets, purses and bank accounts, money is being exchanged all the time. It is always in motion - or should be. Money is the oil that allows the society's wheels to turn smoothly. You don't want to hold on to the oil, do you? You just want the machine to work as good as possible. Likewise, the secret to money is indeed not to hold on to it, but to let it flow, let it come and go where it's needed.
In that sense, when you spend money, you add to the whole, you energize the flow, you enable the wheels to turn, you enable the society and its members to take part in the exchange.
What is your attitude towards spending?
Do you enjoy it?
Fear it?
Control it?
How do you feel about spending money?
Again, when accepting payment, you are not just taking something for yourself. You enable the flow, the movement can continue, enriching you as well as everybody else.
So how do you feel about accepting money?
Do you feel good when you accept payment?
Do you accept payments as big as they should be?
Do you know how to set a price on your work or your goods?
Would you accept payment from a friend?
Love and Wealth
Saying "spending is a way of adding to the abundance of all" is not quite correct. It would be more precise to say, that by spending and accepting money you share the abundance that is around you.
Wealth is a state of mind. It is seeing the wealth around you and connecting to it.
Although this might sound outrageous, wealth is somewhat like love. The more you give, the more you receive. But then - you can't give love really and you can't keep it either. Love doesn't belong to anybody. Love is free. Love is a feeling, an energy, an awareness. Love is something that connects us and unites us - if we let it. It's the same with wealth.
Love is right here where you are, endlessly. But you can keep it at a certain distance. We all do that to some degree, for our own reasons. The reason can be called an obstacle, a blocker. An experience, a thought, a feeling that stands between you and the endless abundance (of love or money).
The blocker can make you feel that there's no love (or money) available to you. It can prevent you from receiving it, or feeling good about giving it. That's OK. It still can't prevent you from looking...
Beyond the blocker
Let's take a look then... What is there? What is really there?
If you experience some imbalance, some lack of money in your life, think about this again ('cause it's a fact): You live in an abundant world. Think about all the billions of dollars flowing all around the world. All the gold, all the diamonds, all the big houses, all the luxury cars, all the fortunes...
If you experience that none of it is available to you, then... you're "normal" :-)) Just kidding... If you experience that none of it is available to you, then there must be something standing between you and all these riches. It's the blocker. What is it?
What exactly is preventing you from sharing these riches, receiving and using this money, for whatever purpose you'd like? Think hard, think deep, and feel deep: what is it?
Oh, that :-))
OK... So let's take a look again: There's you, there's the abundance and there's the blocker. How on Earth are you going to unblock the road and be free?
Freedom has been quite a fundamental theme in my life. In my younger days I was like a freedom fighter. But the older I grow, the more I get to admit, that freedom doesn't come from fighting. On the contrary. Freedom is knowing or even deciding in your very heart that you are free. You are holy. You are one. You are unbreakable, undividable, limitless. You are utterly free.
What is there to fight? You are free already.
Freedom is playfulness. Freedom is like dancing. Freedom is natural. Freedom is light.
So you want to unblock the road to abundance? Lets play abundance then! Not powerplay, but play with an open heart, like children do. Seriously. Forgetting it's a play and still knowing it's a play, a dream.
Tell me: at night, when you are asleep, where is your money then? And your debts, your bills, your possessions? And where are your loved ones, or those who you think don't love you at all?
For you, they are nowhere. They are gone. Because you are not there to experience them.
At night you are in another realm. You leave the earth and your sleeping body.
Even if you dream about lack of money and loads of money, about loneliness and intimacy, it's still just a dream. It's just your consciousness playing with the possibilities, playing and rearranging things for you to learn from.
It's the same with your days, you know. Even if your thoughts are busy with lack of money or love, it's still just thoughts, day-dreams. It's just your consciousness playing with the possibilities, playing and rearranging things for you to learn from.
As you wake up today and yesterday is gone, so can your perception of yourself and the world be renewed every morning. You can adjust your perceptions to who you want to be and how you want to live.
A Way
Here's a simple way:
--Breath in and out a few times. Easy. No strain. Just breath
--Now, imagine that when you breath in, you connect with all the abundance there is. All love. All money.
--When you breath out, you let go of all your losses, your greed, your discontent, your fears, your pressures - all that bothers you, right out and into the Universe.
--To the Universe your problems are tiny and invisible, and they will burn away within no time. That's just how it is, it's a universal law, so don't worry about it.
--Now play with these sentences - or create some other sentences that would suit you:
"I am just playing"
"I can go wherever I want"
"I can do whatever I feel like doing"
--And these too, or something similar:
"I am a light in a million playful lights. I am a sun."
"I am a cloud in a million playful clouds. I am a sky."
"I am a wave in a million playful waves. I am an ocean."
Abundance is Now
Not next year, not in the next job, not in the next town.
You become free, and abundant, by simply acknowledging you are what you want to be.
You are a creative being.
Isn't this exciting? Nothing will be blocking your way forever.
You have created it and you can remove it when you're ready for
the next stage of the play.
It's as simple as that.
I'll see you around :-))
©2004 Halina Goldstein
Beginning in 1955 in Germany, Halina's journey led her to Denmark, creating connections to countries on most continents. She has tasted many different walks in life. From computer programmer to musician and teacher. From complete independency to dedicated marriage. From big city to a village. From much suffering to much happiness. Her main focus today is life's adventure, as in her website: []

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Thursday 18 April 2019

You become what you think about

Money, a Session With Joseth on Abundance and Money

(This communication with Joseth happened more than a year ago, while I was focused on bringing money into my life. Apparently I still haven't managed to manage my thoughts correctly to bring all the money into my life that I desire. However I will say that this is the first time in years that my bills are all paid and I do have a positive balance in my savings account.If there is one thing that I have really learned from this session, that is the importance of knowing exactly what I want.)
In the text below, it is a Q&A session where the initial "J" is for Joseth and "R" for Roy.
Good morning Roy, good morning Joseth.
J... Roy, why are you doing this?
R...Doing What?
J...Writing at your kitchen table every morning.
R...Because, I want to, I want to express myself.
J...Then why am I expressing myself?
R...I want to do both. I want to communicate with the other parts of me. I also want to share this exprience with others. I want to open up the doors for them, so that they can do the same thing.
R...So that they can begin to create a life that is more enjoyable. less stressful.
J...Has this helped you?
J...Is your life less stressful?
J...Are you more joyfull?
J...Do you have more abundance in your life?
J...So as I understand it, you want more abundance and joy in your life and you have been writing for more than three years and yet you have failed to create the things that you desire, am I correct?
J...Roy, what's your problem?
R...I don't know
R...I have been asking you for your help for the last four years. You tell me what it is that I am missing, why am I not getting what I desire?
J...Roy, you are you are getting all of it. You have all of it, you do not see it?
R...Now you got it! I do not see it, I can not touch it and I do not feel it.
J...You can not see the forest for the trees, you asked for abundance, you got abundance, you are abundantly aware!
R...Cute! But my abundance is not paying the bills! I have no money.
J...Then why didn't you ask for money, or even the experience of no bills?
R...I thought I did, I thought abundance meant lots of money.
J...Da! Think again. You must be specific in your request. Be careful what you ask for. You asked for abundance, you have been seeking awareness, you have an abundance of awareness. Did you or did yo not get what you asked for?
R...Yes, but it's not what I meant.
J...Do you always say what you do not mean?
R...Apparently so, I wasted four years expecting to have money and because I was not clear in what I really wanted, I did not get it. I got what I asked for but not what I desired?
J...Yes, "Now you got it." You must be specific and very clear about what it is you want to create.
R...So now I have to wait another four years for money?
J...No, you did not have to wait four years for the abundance you now have either, you are still creating an abundance of awareness and that will continue.
J...Roy, ask for money, think about creating money and you will have money. The awareness you now have can be converted to cash. Use it to created all the money you desire. Start now and focus on money. What it is with you people? You always believe that having money is bad. You try to be nobel or deserving in your approach to asking me for money, ie "If I were rich I would give it away, I would do this for this group, this person, etc, etc. You put them first. But what you really mean, what your real root thought is "I want money for me." "I want to spend it on me first." Roy, it's OK to want money for yourself first, and then give away part of the surplus or what you don't need. It is the dishonesty that you have with you own thoughts that stops you from getting what you desire. You must be 100% honest with yourself about what you desire. You do not have to be deserving or generous or pre-qualify in any way. You only have to know that you want it, that it is your desire to possess it for whatever reason you choose. Stop trying to cover up your true thoughts, they are betraying you. Stop trying to be so noble and generous with something that you do not have. Create the money first, then you can afford to be noble and generous with it.
R...Would that not appear to be selfish?
J...So what? Be selfish first by all means, then you can afford to be generous later. YOU CANNOT GIVE AWAY WHAT YOU DO NO POSSESS. It does not matter how others would see you. It is not working now, what does being selfless have to do with it? How is being selfless benefiting anyone right now, are you giving away selflessness?
J...Always, always, always think about yourself first. Know what you desire for yourself. Create it for you own purposes, then give what you have away it that is your desire. What does it take to see how practical that is? You cannot let others interfer with manifesting what you desire simple because you want to appear more deserving. You have tried it, it doesn't work. Their opinions do not matter in this matter. I am sure that once you have your abundance (money) there will be no less amount of opinions on how you should spend it.
J...Roy, do you now understand?
R...Yes I understand.
J...Are you going to manifest money in your life?
R...Now, it is mine now!
J..."Good, now you got it."
Live well and prosper
[As I mentioned at the top of this dialogue, money has been coming in, still much slower than I would like to see it. I have attracted some from different sources so it is like a river that has smaller tributaries merging into it in small amounts, it has not reached the ocean yet, but that is were my focus is. I have to overcome a lifetime of negative thought that says I'm not deserving. As I chisel away at those the successes become more frequent. Conscious manifesting does work to the degree that you believe it will, Joseth was correct]
Roy E. Klienwachter is a resident of British Columbia, Canada. A student of NLP, ordained minister, New Age Light Worker and Teacher. Roy has written and published five books on New Age wisdom. Roy's books are thought provoking and designed to empower you to take responsibility for your life and what you create. His books and articles are written in the simplicity and eloquence of Zen wisdom.
You may not always agree with what he has to say. You will always come away with a new perspective and your thinking will never be the same.
Roy's style is honest and comes straight from the heart without all the metaphorical mumble jumble and BS.

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Wednesday 17 April 2019


Freeing Yourself To Receive Abundance Of Money

One of the secrets of manifesting wealth is the acceptance of energy in the form of money for the energy that you put out. If you have resistance towards the idea of having to pay for something or towards others asking for payment, then you are limiting yourself from receiving money for anything that you do, since you think you should be providing it for free. This is a reason why many people remain poor financially when they could gain a lot monetarily for what they have to offer. They're limiting themselves.
The truth is everything is available for free. No one actually owns anything because it is all part of the universe. Ownership is an idea where people agree what belongs to who and what rights do they have regarding it. Ownership of anything is all based on agreement between consciousness. When there is conflict of consciousness, people fight and take from each other by force against the will. When there is harmony of consciousness, people willingly agree in sharing or exchanging ownership of things.
The purpose of business is in the organization and promotion of things. When we buy a bottle of water, we are not paying for the bottle or the water because nature supplies the water and what the bottle is made up of. We are paying for the work done in obtaining the raw materials, putting them together, marketing it and handling it to us. All these takes work and therefore those that do all the work for us so that we can experience such things without doing any of the work, receive money in exchange.
Money is only an idea to represent how much value you have provided for others. That is why ill gotten gains does not last because the universe is always reflecting what you do. When you take money without providing real value, money will be taken from you without giving you real value. When you provide lots of value for others, you are meant to receive lots of money so that you can use it to receive value from others that is yours to rightfully experience. Then you are better able to provide even more value.
People who have resistance towards giving money in exchange for the value that others provide also have resistance towards receiving money from others for the value they provide. That is because they see money as scarce and limited. They want to increase the abundance of others by giving to them, but if they take anything in return, they would cause a decrease. But that very perception is oxymoronic, because they are still seeing lack in the person even when they are trying to express abundance.
All conditions in life are created by consciousness. You manifest exactly what you perceive. If you try to express abundance towards another while seeing lack in them, you will perpetuate conditions of lack in your experience with them. In order to experience abundance, you have to perceive abundance. If your world really was abundant, then you'd expect that others have more than enough to give to you for what you give to them, and you'd receive joyfully knowing that they'll keep having more themselves.
That is why people who have wealth consciousness keep getting wealthier compared to the rest of the world. They have the freedom to charge for whatever they do according to the amount they believe it is worth, even when it is to people who try to tell them they are charging too much, or should not be charging at all. It is because wealth conscious people perceive their reality as abundant and do not allow themselves to be affected be the perceptions of those that come from a limited consciousness.
If everyone in this world was wealth conscious and freely gave money to others and freely received it when it is appropriate, then everyone would be as wealthy as they could be. This is because energy would flow freely and hence everyone would be able to experience what they desire without holding back from paying for it, and others would not hold back from paying them for what they contribute. The economy would be much smoother and the progress of the entire world would advance extremely fast.
The state of the health of a body depends on the circulation of blood. The blood transports nutrients to the cells and transports waste away from them. The better the circulation the better the health will be. The state of the wealth of a nation depends on the flow of the economy. Money helps to move the things that we want to us, and helps to move what we have to offer to others. Both health and wealth are really different forms of the same thing called well being, which depends on free flowing of energy.
Stop holding back paying for something you know will contribute to your progress. The more unlimited you become, the faster you will achieve everything you desire in life. Stop holding back offering your value for payment because when you make others pay for what you offer, you are allowing them to express abundance as well. You are perceiving them as having the money to pay and also the willingness to give it to you. You are saying that you are worth giving money to and others have money to give.
Since the flow of money is the flow of value, you should facilitate as much flow as possible in order to facilitate as much flow of value. Be flexible in your pricing of things in both directions. Set your price at a level where it is able to make the best amount of sales for the best amount of profits so that you and others would gain the best. If you under price or overprice, you are undervaluing yourself and others. Because you are saying that you are not worth it or others are not good enough for what you are offering.
Have a wealth consciousness by believing there is plenty of money to go around, because there really is. The world is awash in money. It is like Niagara falls. It is flowing for everyone but most of you are showing up with teaspoons. If you saw the world from a perspective of abundance, you would see that others have abundance of money to give to you and never have lesser for themselves. You would be willing to take as much as you desire freely and by doing so, you free others to take more for themselves.
Enoch Tan aims to help people achieve greater awareness in living and experiencing life. To evolve human consciousness to higher levels. To change lives and transform the universe. To revolutionize the way we understand the mind and reality. Because that is what governs every area of life and destiny. Get Free Ebooks of The Most Powerful Knowledge and Learn Secrets of Mind and Reality That will Fully Benefit You Now at: Secrets of Mind and Reality

Article Source:

Tuesday 16 April 2019

Hypnosis: "Money Flows to You" Deep Trance to Attract Wealth. Binaural B...

Are You Ready To Attract An Abundance of Money Into Your Life?

Are you in constant search on how to have an abundance of money? An amount of money you've always desired? Are you looking to end all your financial worries and start attracting money quickly and easily?
Well, read this short article to find out how you can finally experience all this in your life first hand.
Qualities You Must Have to Achieve an Abundance Of Money
1) As the old saying goes, "The more you give, the more you receive." If you are too selfish to give what you have or you are not open and thankful to receive something then money will not come to you.
2) You have to open your heart to others.
3) Expect the best thing to happen. For instance, you are waiting for a client to close a deal. You have to stop worrying that you will not get the deal or the worst thing will happen.
4) You have to give value to your time and to yourself.
5) Always do and give your best. You should not cut corners.
6) You have to always want everyone to cooperate and to succeed. Remove from your mind that life is a competition.
7) Be grateful in someone else's success. Applaud with their achievements. Don't allow yourself to be threatened by other's success.
8) Think of how you can serve others and not thinking of how others can serve you.
9) Focus on telling how and why you will succeed in life.
10) You have to pay attention and be aware. You should not operate your life in a robotic or automatic ways.
11) Embrace the challenges that come into your life. Go out of your comfort zone and grow.
12) Sometimes you have to let go of certain things. Do not hang too much on what you have.
13) Compromising your values and ideas are out of the picture. You should always live with your integrity.
14) It's never too late - do not give up. You have to take action to achieve your dreams.
15) You should get work that you love doing. You should not only work for money because you will never be happy with your work.
16) Do not wait for others to give you permission on what you should be and what you want. It is you who should give your permission.
17) You should believe in abundance. Believe there's always an abundance of money Scarcity should not be in your vocabulary.
18) Strengthen your self-confidence, self-love and believe in yourself. Stop worrying, doubting yourself and criticizing your capacity.
19) You have to have clear intentions and strong will. Do not be discouraged with factors surrounding you.
20) Always be grateful and thankful for everything you have and will have.
So what are you waiting for?
Contemplate on each item. Work on each item for one day. Develop these qualities in order for you to attract abundance of money.
Attracting money and becoming financially free is something all of us aspire. Having enough money to be able to buy your dream house, car or to go on luxury vacations as and when you want is the dream for millions of us. Finally make all this a reality through applying powerful wealth secrets that attracts an abundance of money [] in your life.

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Saturday 6 April 2019

3 Power Tips To Increase Financial Success FA$T!

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be
blessed with miraculous success while others are not?
Successful people don't achieve their success by accident.
It takes much more than skills and talents to attain great
success in life. Even the most talented people can fail. It's
the ones who recognize their power and use it to their
advantage that achieve the success they desire!
Jim Carey deliberately used his power to strategically
produce success at a time when things were challenging in
his life. In 1987, he was married with a new baby, living in a
single apartment in Los Angeles, and working in comedy
clubs at night. Afterwards, he would drive to the top of
Mulholland Drive and look out over the city where he
affirmed that he was the most sought after comedian in the
business. He experienced what it was like to be that
successful and didn't come down from the mountain until
he felt like he was. He also wrote himself a check for $10
million dollars for acting services rendered. A path opened
up that eventually led him to that success. On the day that
his check was dated, Jim Carrey was worth 10 million
dollars. He later became one of the world's highest paid
actors and able to command $20 million a movie.
You, too, have the power to achieve tremendous success. It
just takes understanding your power and then setting your
desires into motion!
Skyrocket your business to success by using just a few
simple techniques!
Your words are powerful! The words that you speak and the
thoughts that you think attract to you the exact conditions that
you focus upon the most consistently. If you want to be
successful, your words and your thoughts need to
consistently confirm your success!
* Affirm: "Enormous quantities of money are being drawn to
me from everywhere and I see myself becoming financially
independent immediately!"
Take advantage of the Power of your word!
Everyday write down:
* "I see my business skyrocketing and becoming an
immediate financial success! I consistently net over $
easily and effortlessly every single month!"
* "I see all of my investments doubling and tripling
consistently, which make me a multi-millionaire
Take a moment each day and experience what it feels like to
be the success you desire.
Example: While you are sitting at your desk, close your eyes
and experience yourself sitting in a location that you would
be in if your success were a reality now! Such as:
* Sitting at a desk in your new office:
Feel how comfortable your new leather chair is and imagine
yourself feeling how smooth the hardwood finish is on your
desktop. It feels so wonderful being in your brand new
office. It is so beautiful, and everything is so clean and
organized. You hear your phones continually ringing with
orders and a competent staff is taking all of the calls. Your
business has become so successful that everyone is
seeking you out and buying everything that you have for sale.
* Sitting on a chase lounge by your new swimming pool:
Feel how relaxing it is to be lying out on a comfortable chase
lounge next to your beautiful new pool. The air is clear and
smells so good, and the heat from the sun feels so
soothing on your body. You are so grateful that your
business has become such a tremendous financial
success that you can now take time off to consistently relax
and play with your family!
* Being on your own yacht on the ocean:
Feel how exhilarating it is to be cruising out on the turquoise
ocean on your own magnificent yacht. You love the smell of
the fresh ocean air and you can feel the sea breeze on your
face. You are so grateful that money is just pouring into your
life! Lucrative opportunities became available to you that
enabled you to immediately become a huge financial
success! Your business is now generating millions of
dollars in passive income and you have lots of time to do
what you love. You have fun traveling and relaxing...all year
* Being on stage being interviewed by Oprah Winfrey!:
Her producers sought you out because your product has
become one of her "Favorite Things"! You are now a world
renown success and the revenues have not only afforded
you a lavish lifestyle, your contributions to charities have
empowered everyone throughout the world.
Use your imagination! Whatever you impress your
subconscious with consistently, will soon be reproduced in
your life.
© 2005 Carole Dore, PowerVision Dynamics,
NOTE: Some excerpts within the above article are taken
from "The Emergency Handbook For Getting Money FAST!"
Visualization expert, Carole Doré is an international speaker, popular radio and television talk show guest, and is the author of The Emergency Handbook For Getting Money FAST! She is widely recognized as a leading authority of Visualization and is the founder of PowerVision Dynamics.
In 1986, she produced PowerVision Dynamics®, a complete instructional program that teaches how to achieve your desires quickly by using PowerVision®: an accelerated, spontaneous form of visualization that is applied through the heart, rather than the mind.
For info about her book and step-by-step audio program, and to obtain 3 more FREE Power Tips to Increase Financial Success FA$T, go to

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PROSPERITY TIPS - #3: Law of Attraction Creative Visualization Wealth Money

Friday 5 April 2019

Words of Affirmation & Power of Affirmation

Words of affirmation are so prevalent, important, and powerful but yet subtle, so subtle that we don't even notice it being the underlining governor in our minds and in our life's experiences. Words of affirmation have conditioned us in ways that most people have not even considered in their adult years.
For instance, we have been conditioned from school, through things like mathematics, to create problems for ourselves over and over again. Through all of the different equations we had to find to solve all of the many problem-solving questions that math teachers gave their students, and still are giving them today... we have been conditioned to create problems for ourselves. This can be turned into good if it forces us to find solutions to where our attention and focus are more steered toward solutions but unfortunately with the mental overwhelming of mind activity, and lack of concentration, we focus more on the problems and create more problems for ourselves.
But on a subconscious level we have seen the words "Problem Solving" so much in our youth that we have hardwired our brains to search out and notice problems just to solve them for the chemical rush of being right, which can put us in a state to refining our skills in that area. But most schools, at the same time of flooding students with problems to solve, have numerous intellectual commitments, assignments, test, exams, essay papers and many other things that keep the mind at a constant turbulent multi tasking state.
This unfortunately makes it harder for kids to realize and expand their talents and concentration skills and interest because they are mentally tired from all of the requirements of problem solving. Whenever things seem to be going right, the minds is conditioned to seek out a problem that is hidden and the world respond and bring us situations to deal with that we interpret as problems to solve.
Not a lot of attention was put into concentration, contemplation, mental rehearsal and imagination. More of the attention was on problem solving and measuring apartness and separation and calculating reactions and implementing solutions. This can be effective if used rightly but we fail to ascend from the problematic limited way of thinking to the expressions of creativity, abundance and infinite possibilities ways of thinking.
This same mentality has creeped into the minds of most adults and the word job is the new school for problem solving mechanisms using some form of "work". We have forgotten unconditional love and hardwired our families to be computers to survive in this tough financial problem solving society.
The love has been striped out of families for survival because on an unconscious level we have prepared and organized our brains to seek out problems to solve without us even knowing it which cripples the idea of enhancing and refining our skill to strategies and master challenges in a subconscious and automatic implicit way for a desired outcome using concentration and pure powerful thinking.
We seem to have been stuck in a problem-seeking mode and when we get overwhelmed we go on vacation with the family to catch up on expressing love and life. Our spirit guide knows that it needs love to continue life's full expression rather our minds allow it or not. This is what creates the imbalance in our wholeness because our intent in mind is different than our intent in heart.
We have been programmed to survive and as parents we sometimes see our kids as motivation to survive which works for a while but you naturally need to Love, Love and Love first. Seek the way of the creator first and your needs will be meet. But we have been delivered from youth, certain problematic words of affirmation in our DNA unconsciously, that has implicitly become our automatic behaviors and ways of thinking.
Love and life has become secondary to surviving. What a tiresome way of living life. Oh lets survive by getting a job, paying bills and keeping a roof over our heads, food on the table and clothes on our backs and then when we have time we will pay attention to one another.
I am explaining the high maintenance family who is conditioned to work, work and work to live and find time to play in between some how. They are prime examples of the conditioning of creating problems over and over again to have to deal with when our minds cannot consciously manage all of the problems we have created with the constant exposure to problematic words of affirmation.
The people who master these problem-solving techniques become our leaders in government, education, media and mainstream. They set the tone and reinforce a system that creates a world of chaos and limitations because all the problems are based on limitation, apartness, labels and division and we have identified our selves and who we think we are with our ability to solve problems.
This is why the entrepreneur world is so big because there are so many problems and an entrepreneur is no more than some one who solves problems and address needs for people for a profit. Helping the needy has become life's purpose because the parasite exists in the minds of the poverties but Christ consciousness is the keys to full fill this gap. There are many needs in this world because the adversary, through mind, has kept the knowledge away from us of how to create abundance instead of limitations.
From the jump early school systems painted the picture of education that they wanted us to see so that we will live a life of trading time in for ends meet. They know time is limited, which is a problem for us, if that is what you have to rely on to survive. They have mentally equipped us to be in a rat race of specific problems that we had no part in creating. We are at the bottom of the employee food chain acting out as parts of the equation that the successful problem solver has put in place and created a business out of.
This may seem all to coincidental or distant for a lot of people but I assure you if you look deeper you will see that the underlining words of affirmation that has been hardwired in our intellect corresponds equally to
what we believe and what we manifest in our present reality.
The very few wealthy people in the world have surpassed this limited way of thinking and they see that there are no limitation problems in the now. They see what most people label as problems as challenges that they have learned to graciously overcome. They have implanted into their memory program a new set of words of affirmation. Affirmations are so effective in our lives rather we are affirming abundance or limitation. Whatever you organize your brain to tell you is what it will produce.
Most people do not realize that words of affirmation works on an unconscious level in a very big way. Our unconscious thoughts produce measurable changes in our physiology but most people are not aware of the unconscious thinking in their heads. If you are worrying about some future moment in the back of your head and you can't consciously remember exactly what it is your worrying about at that moment, you are affirming some form of words that have been planted in your subconscious.
We have been conditioned by time to treat the present moment as a problem or an obstacle that needs to be over come. Some how we have gotten stuck in the "oh no its another problem" mode. The idea of no problems but only challenges and solutions starts to make your brain works differently but that different feeling is the unknown. The familiar is so seductive because we can relate to what a problem feels like.
We have not hardwired our brain to experience a reflection of paradise with ultimate peace and only love because of the parasite in our mind that keeps the past alive. Every time we think there is no problems, the body and mind conditioned past finds a problem. Christ tried to present us another way of living when he implied to his followers that they should live like nature. He said look at the lilies and the birds. See how they grow with no stress or toil. You can live like that too.
The only way we can live like that is through the thoughts we choose to focus on in this moment. In order to live like the lily your thoughts has to be natural and clear like the growth of the lily. We must allow life to be freely with an attitude of peace and wholeness no matter what the present circumstance. This action creates a reaction of peace in the future.
The karma for a natural flower is natural beauty because it's action and reaction is natural with no distress and rooted in love. It takes in just enough solar energy and water and the roots grow and create beauty on the outside through the creators love. The only thing that gets in the way of us living our lives so peacefully like the Lilly and the bird is fear in the human mind. We have lost control of it do to the conditioning of problem solving words of affirmation.
We have to gain control of our subconscious memory system and alter our attention to abundant words of affirmation. We have been condition by school for most of our early years so more than likely you have to unlearn some things you've been taught. Whatever words of affirmation you have plant in your mental garden, will be the same words that grows in your physical world as manifestation of things and reality and now is the time to pluck up roots and plant new seeds.
Then the new seeds of abundance have to become deeply rooted and implicit so that it can be automatic. Peace and love becomes second nature and all other needs are added as a result of producing compassion now.
Words of Affirmations effect life in many different areas
· Affirmations for healing
· Affirmations for abundance
· Affirmations for wealth
· Self Confidence Affirmations
· Positive Thinking Affirmations
· Affirmations of Happiness
· Affirmations for Money
· Affirmations for Relationships
· Audio Affirmation
Pluck up the negative words of affirmations that creeped in unconsciously through
· Affirmations of Problems
· Affirmations of Limitation
· Affirmations of Disease
· Affirmations of Anger
· Affirmations of Fighting
· Affirmations of Surviving
· Affirmations of Fear
· Affirmations of Victim
These words of affirmations come in through many ways- from what we read, what we see on televisions and the news, what we learned in school, what we experience at work, what we hear on radio, what we perceive from others, what we see in hospitals, what we experience through drama and chaotic episodes, what we hear in church and what we learn from surviving life situations.
Our conscious mind is like a compass and it guides our subconscious by the words of affirmations we hold in our mind and make more real than anything else. Words are thoughts externalized and as a man think in his heart, so is he. This explains why we become what we have affirmed implicitly. Our spirit guide has to plant new affirmations but first it must make unconscious negative affirmations conscious so that we can recognize it and be in a position to choose a different way of affirming our experiences continuously.
We are constantly affirming reality through the words of affirmations we have stored in our storehouse of affirmations. If we have affirmed going to school, getting good grades and graduating and going to college then working for 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week for 40 years and retire, then rest assure you will get exactly that.
Bill Gates wired into his brain a different set of affirmations than the large crowd. He stepped out of the norm and created Microsoft words of affirmation and this stepping out of the norm yielded him a life that stands apart from the normal affirmations of lack. The few people who followed him took on a new mental organization in which they believed enough in his affirmation of abundance in computer programs.
What words have you affirmed in your mind? Have you affirmed problems or have you affirmed abundance? Have you focused more attentions on bills and confrontations or have you focused more on wealth and peace? Where is your point of awareness?
How are you implicitly affirmed to react to challenges in your life situations? Have you mentally prepared yourself to respond to money as of though it is abundant or have you prepared your response to be one of lack and not enough? If you look closely at how you feel and the certain way you act towards money you will see that your world and experiences about money comes to you in an exact proportion of your corresponding inner state.
We can only perceive what our brain is organized to tell us. Perhaps the reason why we have not perceive the life of a millionaire is because we have not organized our brains to attain millionaire status. A millionaire thought is a millionaire seed.

Article Source:

PROSPERITY TIPS - #2: How to Create Wealth and Money with Power!

Thursday 4 April 2019

Manifesting Desires - Tips For Law Of Attraction Users

It's an understatement to say that we are faced with many challenges in this modern age such as pollution, overpopulation, Global Warming, war, racism, sexism, you name it we got it. However, it is not only my belief but also that of all the New Thought teachers throughout time, that when you stop focusing on the problem and start focusing on solutions, the problem disappears. This is where we come to the first of the tips for law of attraction users. Stop focusing on the problems in your life because by doing so, you will create space in your mind which can be used to begin manifesting desires.
Focus 90% of your time on solutions and only 10% of your time on problems. -Anthony J. D'Angelo
With that sentiment fresh in your mind, I will now teach you a technique that can without a doubt assist you in your quest to manifest prosperity.
The Picture Book of Your Life Technique
Using this technique has allowed my mind to soak up all my ideas and goals just as a sponge soaks up water, and just as a sponge must eventually release the water it holds, so too must a mind release goals and desires in the form of expression and realisation. I have used this technique for the last 6 months, and in those 6 months I have experienced more success and happiness in a consistent stream than at any other time of my life. That is how effective this technique is in the art of manifesting desires.
The Steps to take
1. Buy a diary sized notebook and in the front write "Picture Book of My Life."
2. Then in the first few pages, make a list of all the things that you desire to have in your life. Remember this one important rule though. If when you come up with something that you "think" you desire, you feel no emotional stirrings from within, discard the desire because it clearly isn't something that "you" want. I stress "you" because if you feel nothing for a desire then it most likely isn't even your desire, it is someone else's. For example, it could be something your neighbor mentioned they wanted, or a friend or family member. It may even be something that someone else has that you think you also want as you know what they say, "The grass is always greener on the other side."
3. After making your list, it is time to find some pictures for each of your desires. If you desire to manifest a house then find pictures of a beautiful house or houses in magazines or online. Once you have cut the pictures out glue the pictures into a page in your book but make sure you leave the centre clear. In the centre of the page, surrounded by the pictures of your desire will be a picture of you smiling, happy that you have achieved your goal! In my opinion, it is extremely important that you place a picture of yourself in the centre of your goals as this speeds up the connection you feel with the pictures and your goals and ensures that you manifest desires more quickly.
4. Follow step three for every page. You may have as many pictures as you wish. Write a caption on the page also, something that signifies the attainment of your goals like, "This is my beautiful new home." Do this for every page.
5. Finally, look at your goals every morning, afternoon and evening to ensure that you allow the goals and desires to take root within your subconscious mind which will begin work on ways to manifest your desires.
Your subconscious mind is more powerful than you could imagine and is capable of finding unlimited ways of achieving your goals as Earl Nightingale once said:
Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.
Richard J. O'Neill is a Tefl Teacher and freelance writer with a burning desire to help others to achieve their goals in life.
Read more about manifesting desires.

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