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Wednesday 2 October 2019

3 Steps To Figuring Out Your Core Values

Determine Your Values to Assist Your Search For Success

The kind of values that every person develops is normally dependent on the kind of needs the person has.

o Small children will grow up with the value system of the people they love and seek approval from.
o Teenagers are more questioning of their parent's values and go more by what their peers and friends believe in.
o As a worker, you may find yourself moved by the values and beliefs of your colleagues or seniors.

Thus, as you go through life and its various stages, you gain a variety of experiences. You value system is a sum total of what you believe in because of all these experiences.
You should however be aware that some of these values might become very rigid and restrictive if you are not careful.

o It is good to put your child's education on top priority but pushing the child to go into areas that are neither suited to the child's abilities, learning style or personal interests can only cause more harm than good.
o Fitness is fine till a certain level. Trying to achieve a perfect toned body and resorting to under-nourishment or steroids to achieve this may again only end up causing more damage.
o Wanting to have a clean and orderly home and inculcating such discipline in children is a good thing. However, to push it to limits where the smallest amount of dirt can cause scenes and great heartburn will only turn your family against you. And after all children should be allowed to be children.

The best way to decide your values is to aim to do the following:

o Let your values permit you to meet your basic needs in the areas of importance to you but at the same time stay in balance with the needs of others.
o They should not restrict you from asking for help when you feel you need it.
o Your values should be your own and should not just be handed down from your parents or your society, never to be questioned. They may be shaped by many of your experiences but you should construct the final mold.
o Your values should still give you the freedom to make mistakes, the courage to take responsibility for them and the capability to learn from them.
o Your values should enable you to set goals for yourself that are achievable, realistic and yet fulfilling.

Some of the areas about which you may have strong values and think have major importance in your life could be -

o Your relationships - with family, friends, colleagues, juniors
o Your education and your career
o Your sense of spirituality
o Your health and the health of your family
o Financial security for you and your family
o Your community
o Your artistic expressions

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Tuesday 1 October 2019

How To Determine Your Core Life Values

Identify Your Values and Goals to Live Simply Happy and Debt Free

Learning to be simply happy means knowing exactly what is important to you in your life.
In beginning the process of living simply happy and debt-free requires that you identify and analyze your values. Values are the things you strive for in your life and they should be the beacon of light to you in everything you do. The values in your life shine before you and light your path to reach your goals.
Once you have identified your values, it is much easier to establish and reach your goals. As you define your values, think about what you really want to do or have. Maybe independence, security, and spirituality are important to you. Perhaps power, authority, and adventure are your values.
Be honest with yourself and clarify your values.
Once you recognize your values:
  • determine if you are living the life you want to live based on your values
  • assess how your goals and actions in life align with your values
  • determine if you are effectively prioritizing your actions
  • think about things in your life that take you further away from your values
  • consider any hindrances that prohibit you from living your life based on your personal values.
Now that your values are crystal clear to you, begin to live your life today based on those values. You need to stay focused on your values and keep them firmly in your mind as you determine your goals. Let your values direct your path and your actions towards a better life.
Many people never take time to truly establish goals for their lives. They either don't believe it's important or they don't see the point in it. Some people don't really know what they want out of life while others are afraid to set goals in fear of not achieving them. Some people don't even know how to begin setting goals because they've never given it any consideration at all.
But setting goals is what provides you with the roadmap to achieving the things that are really important to you. Establishing a goal drives you to a destination and reaching your destination helps you establish new and better goals. It's a lifelong process of deciding where you want to go, creating plans to get there, and establishing new goals once you arrive.
Reaching your goals is a fulfilling and satisfying experience. It gives you the confidence and motivation to move forward. It also gives you the satisfaction of knowing that you have accomplished an important milestone in your life while holding true to your personal values.
What could be more rewarding! 

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